Home > Fantasies > Three’s a party
11 Jan

Three’s a party

A while ago my friend Penelope Svelterwald jokingly asked me to have a threesome with her and her husband Max for his birthday. I believe my response was something dorky like “Well, now! I had a feeling today was going to be my lucky day! Har har har.” and we all laughed and went on with our lives.

Obviously, the threesome did not happen (still waiting for that first FMF to come my way). Penelope and I did end up fucking a couple months later, and that’s an interesting story that I should tell you about sometime, but it was largely unrelated.

The thing is, she was joking (or half joking, or mostly joking) about the birthday threesome, but that doesn’t make it a crazy concept. Another female friend of mine was a birthday present for my friend Crispin Hijanx from his girlfriend in a similar-though-far-less-theoretical manner. Crispin had mentioned that he’d been in threesomes before but had never been “the focus” (aside: I’m not sure what happened in these past experiences that made him specifically feel that he wasn’t– or even had to be– “the focus”, but I kind of prefer a three-person sex=three-person focus paradigm. I’m pretty sure the only way one out of the three people involved can get lost in the shuffle is for things to transfigure irretrievably into a twosome. So I’ll admit I’m confused by this part of the story, but I guess we’ll never know. Unless the subject comes up again and I ask.) and his chick sweetly secreted him off to a hotel rendezvous with a mutual friend who also happens to be a fetching redhead. And a good time was had by all.

Now, I’m not sure if people have always been doing this and I’m just now catching up or if it’s a fad/zeitgeist/what the hip kids are doing, but more and more I’m hearing about people-as-gifts scenarios. And I want to go on record as saying that the more I think about it the more it actually sounds really hot.

I’m being a bad feminist here. I get that. Women are people. People aren’t toys. And, thankfully, you can’t strictly speaking give a person as a present this side of 1865. These things are certain. But who’s to say people can’t play toys recreationally? Because I’m a woman and a person and I kinda wanna. With the right people, naturally (obviously I’m not volunteering to fuck anyone and everyone with a birthday and a dream.)

There haven’t been many moments in my life when I’ve gotten to feel like a treat. And by that I mean I can’t really think of one ever. I’ve felt like prey, a possession, a playmate, and a respected partner– a couple of these I even appreciate. I think, though, that it would be neat to occasionally feel like someone was giddy enough to touch me– even if it was only just once–that I actually rated up there with other awesome and highly anticipated birthday presents like PS3 games and robot kits. I’d like to feel like I’m the dessert someone is looking forward to, sitting glistening and toothsome at the end of a long and glorious meal. I want to be the fucking mochi ice cream for once, instead of just a bowl of miso soup or those carrot shavings on the salad. It’s exciting to be exciting!

Yes, I realize that all I’m accomplishing here is saying I’d like an ego boost. But there’s more to it. The birthday threesome could be giddy and gleeful, full of enthusiasm, and extra fun because at its essence it’s a celebration and a gesture of friendship and lust and adventure all at the same time. This is all assuming that no one gets buyer’s remorse or starts having rampant attacks of jealousy or goes into sugar shock, or whatever. But I’m arguing on potential, understand.

I’m not sure I’d want a threesome as a present myself, though, because I’d never be entirely free from the specter of worrying that one or both of the other parties would never have fucked me without factoring in the “well, it’s her birthday… might as well throw her a bone” card. It turns out that catalysts for self-loathing paranoia probably don’t make the most thoughtful gifts, after all. But a birthday threesome where I’m not “the focus”? Wrap me up, bitches!

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  1. Dan Patterson
    January 15th, 2010 at 07:40 | #1

    Seriously? You haven’t had a MFM?
    Chemistry is all important, as are ground rules but those should go as unspoken prerequisites. Very powerful, emotionally and sexually, whether MFM or FMF. Good luck on finding stable and attractive partners.

  2. quizzical pussy
    January 16th, 2010 at 20:19 | #2

    @Dan Patterson I’ve had neither MFM nor FMF yet! I’m a very disadvantaged nympho. :(

  3. Retro
    January 21st, 2010 at 05:59 | #3

    People tend to say things as a joke when they’re actually serious. I suspect if you had handled it differently things would have happened.

    A lot of guys, hell, make that all guys :-) fantasize about seeing their gal with another woman, and joining in for a threesome. For many this stays a fantasy, and a good thing too, because I have seen grown men [1] cry when things actually happen and they don’t handle it as well as they should have.

    If you’re the kind of person who can separate love and commitment and sex, and you can wrap your mind around having sex because you can, and not because of anything else, then go for it. Otherwise, stick with the fantasy :-)

    [1] He must have been around 70. Yes, older people also have sex. No, I’m a bit younger than that.

  4. quizzical pussy
    January 21st, 2010 at 23:18 | #4

    @Retro I’m really very bad at handling situations like this. I treat everything as a joke. This is why I can’t have nice threesomes! :(

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