The Wand Controller: Has the Hitachi found its match?

I’ve made little secret about the fact that the renowned Hitachi Magic Wand doesn’t quite do it for me. I’ve had orgasms with it, of course, but I’ve had better orgasms from tight jeans. And in my bedroom, all unitaskers have to give great orgasms.
One of my major complaints with the Magic Wand was the two vibrations settings. They are, to quote my Magic Wand review, respectively “boring” and “clitoris-searing”, and both leave my clitoris feeling numb. This is generally not the sensation palette I’m looking for while fapping.
When I saw that there existed such a thing as a Wand Controller, though, I thought that perhaps this device would resuscitate my relationship with the world’s favorite sex toy.
Let’s find out if it did, shall we?
The concept is to provide a full range of vibration intensities beyond the Hitachi’s factory-installed two. In short, its a dimmer for your vibrator. Simple, ingenious concept.
The Wand Controller comes in a cardboard box. I hate it when anything, but especially a sex toy, comes in clamshell packaging, so I was instantly disposed to like it. On taking it out, though: truthfully, this thing looks a bit like Baby’s First RadioShack Project. Its cord is six feet long and puzzling in its thickness (it’s as girthy as my surge protector’s cord) terminating in a box with a dimmer, a fuse, a three-way switch, and an outlet for your Magic Wand.
Also, as a bonus, there was a stray blob of solder on mine. And this may just be because I’m clumsy, but I swear I could cut myself on the Controller’s plastic casing given half a chance.
The auspices weren’t great. The Wand Controller really doesn’t look like a feat of modern engineering. But to be fair, it’s not pretending to be one. And neither is the Magic Wand, for that matter. They’re both functional designs without superfluity of thoughtful details. The important thing is how they do their jobs.
So, how well does the Wand Controller do its job? Reliably, and pretty much exactly like you’d think. It opens a up a great many intensity options you never had before. With this device, you suddenly have a full range from nothing to max on both the traditional levels, just by flipping a couple switches and exploring the dial.
As someone constantly looking for a strong, steady vibration of the perfect intensity, this would be perfect for me if I liked the Hitachi’s vibrations in the first place.
It’s just, you know, I don’t. There’s something about the fundamental nature of how the Magic Wand vibrates that just doesn’t do it for me, and I see that now that I’ve adjusted the intensity every which way.
Out of curiosity, I also plugged my Wahl 7-in-1 into the Controller, but alas, no dice. The Controller was no better than an extension cord, rendering the Wahl cold and lifeless unless the fader was at its highest setting. It was worth a shot.
The product could be slicker, but the Wand Controller does what it promises. Overall, if you already love the Hitachi Magic Wand, you’ll most likely appreciate the extra flexibility of customized vibrations and a six-foot longer reach. I think it’s a wonderful companion to the Wand.
If you’re like me and don’t really get the Hitachi hype, the Wand Controller probably won’t be enough to change your mind. Go back to massaging your necks, people. Nothing to see here.
Thanks, Babeland!