Home > Kinktastic > One munch, please. Size large.
15 Sep

One munch, please. Size large.

I’m planning to attend my first munch this evening. I’ve wanted to start infiltrating the local BDSM scene for a while now, ever since I noticed a curious dearth of dorky pale chicks with crazy hair in same, an oversight I am all too happy to correct because it will hopefully eventually get me spankings and other lovely things.

Actually, let’s be honest. No local BDSM scene anywhere, to my knowledge, lacks dorky pale chicks with crazy hair, but currently none of them are me. I find that alarming. Rest easy, local kinksters. Help is on the way, coming to a bar and grill chain in your area! Tonight!

Eep. Tonight.

I have no idea what to expect. Social gatherings can be crackling, intoxicating for me, or they can drain all the color out of the room. In a new situation it’s so often a gamble which will happen. Is it going to be awkward or like stumbling upon a chattering of old, favorite-hoodie-comfortable friends? Maybe some of them will be even be sexy and enticing in an awkward, or friendly, way. Maybe not so much…

But I’m reasonably sure there will be a salad bar. So we have that going for us. And I’ve got Laramy and a couple friends coming, so it can’t get too terribly awkward as long as I have three people to hide behind. Overall, I think I’ll be glad we went.

My only real and unrelenting concern, though, is how do we find the table? Do we say we’re with the local munch when we reach the restaurant’s host stand? That doesn’t seem right, somehow. Everyone will be in casual clothing, so it’s not like I can scan the dining area for fetish gear. Maybe there’s a password and I don’t know it.

Fuck it. It’s probably “Batman”. Let’s do this.

(image source)

  1. LuckyLuckyGirl
    September 15th, at 10:41 | #1

    I have a feeling you’ll find the table just fine. Enjoy!

  2. September 15th, at 10:51 | #2

    Squee! I am nervously excited too! Maybe we can take turns hiding behind one another. Plus I have my knee high, many buckled, kick ass Doc Martins that I will be wearing for the first time. That will make me feel strong! Or more awkward… who knows! ;)

    Love the pic for this post. Which gal do you relate to more today? The one with the violin or the bow?

  3. September 15th, at 11:01 | #3

    Have fun! Don’t expect it to be all that much weirder than a big group of people going out for dinner–people will talk about kink, but they’ll also talk about a lot of other things. (And seeing that you’re new they may try to get you crash-course oriented to the local scene.)

    You will know the table, trust me. It will be extremely impossible not to. Look for the enormous group of really loud nerds wearing black.

  4. quizzical pussy
    September 15th, at 15:56 | #4

    @LuckyLuckyGirl Thanks!

    @Anagama With those boots on our side, we have nothing to fear!

    I love that pic too. I can relate to both, I suppose, when I’m not too busy lusting after the girl with the violin’s ass. Merciful heavens, that ass!

    @Holly Thanks! I’m pretty much expecting it to be a bit like having dinner with people from the local con scene, since I know there’s so much overlap. Or maybe that’s really just what I’m hoping, since those are my people.

  5. September 15th, at 22:05 | #5

    Oooh, this sounds like fun! I’ve often wished I was more kinky so I could participate in these sorts of events. It seems wonderfully social, and helps create a community vibe that’s bigger than just sex acts.

  6. September 16th, at 02:55 | #6

    Wow…all that ass AND she plays an instrument (though her talent appears questionable based on the stern countenance of the woman I can only assume is her teacher).

    I might be smitten. Yep…I’m in full-on smit.

  7. UnderTheDark
    September 21st, at 03:50 | #7

    Must agree with Brock… that is EPIC bum, and I covet the shoes as well! Where did you find this pic?

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