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15 Mar

ConTuesday! The Ides of March

Beware them! They’ll kill your tyrants dead.

On a totally related note, I’ve arranged some sexy secrets for your reading enjoyment.

I’m having an affair. He’s 8 years younger and I’m only the second girl he’s ever been with. He’s so excited to be with me. He’s willing to try anything and really loves turning me on. I’ve had sex with him more times this year than I have with my husband.

Evidence I’m currently living in a little nonmonogamy cocoon: My first reaction to this was “If you tell your husband about that, maybe he’d step up the frequency a little. A bit of friendly competition!” Someone remind me how affairs work?

I love that, when I click ”send” after I type a confession, that the ”Ohhh, that’s a good one” message pops up. I always think ”I know, right?”.

It’s so nice when someone appreciates the little things.

I harshly judge everyone that has sex. I’m a virgin, by choice, and I think it’s disgusting for everyone else to have sex but me. If you have a threesome, you’re a sleezer, if you are a lesbian, you’re a skeezer, if you cheat on your partner, you’re a dog, if you have an ’open relationship’, you’re just keeping a good person from finding someone better than YOU. If you’ve ever had an STD, please die. If you’re a gay man, you’re great. I don’t judge you at all. I absolutely judge everyone. And the sad part is that I DON’T feel bad at all. I think that everyone is disgusting, and that I’m the only person left in the world with morals. :D.

I’m losing my virginity tonight to my boyfriend of six years. [:.

Um. I just… what… I just don’t even know… Okay, if you’re not trolling, I advise you to work out these severe issues you have about sex, but part of me still wants to tell you I hope you had a good time. Because I’m a skeezer, and that’s what I do.

Early this morning, I squirted more than I’ve ever squirted in my entire life. It felt like there was a river pouring out from between my legs. Some of it was even in a majestic spray-type deal like how ladies in porn always seem to get off.

Once I was satiated, I then realized that half of my bed was soaked. Through the bedding, through the sheets, THROUGH THE MATTRESS INTO THE FRAME. I ended up having to take the driest of the bedding and sleeping on it because I was so tired. The moral of this story is to get a towel or three before going like Ol’ Faithful.

There have been times when I’ve really wished my bed was equipped with rubber sheets. But damn, it’s been a while…

I am a woman, and I like being a woman, and I like fucking men.
But my biggest fantasy is to have sex like a man once. Not that sex with my body is unpleasant, but just to imagine the feeling when I enter someone else with my dick… drives me crazy.
I plan to find out if strap-ons come anywhere near it soon :-)

I relate to this so hard! To the point where just reading that revs me up a bit. I’m pretty okay being female-bodied, but I fantasize a lot about having a cock. And, you know, wielding it. And, you know, sheathing it. But not only once. Ever so much more than once.

Mmmmmmm. Confess amongst yourselves.

  1. March 15th, at 12:30 | #1

    Commenter #5: Penelope and I have often discussed that if all the natural laws and boundaries were lifted, we’d like to trade bodies for a day for the same reason. And it’s very mutual between the two of us. I could just see waking up in Penny’s body one morning to say “Let’s see what this baby can do!” We wouldn’t go anywhere or get anything done but we’d be worn out by the end of it all. Then I’d want to live in my body again. I like being the dude too much to make it a long term swap. I wonder if that’s a universal thing or if it only affects certain weirdos whom I happen to be one of. It really doesn’t bother me either way to tell the truth.

  2. aczarnowski
    March 15th, at 14:23 | #2

    @Clint Not just you, there’s a short scene in Strange Days bringing this to life. Well, except it’s in a girl’s body with another girl. Great flick.

  3. March 15th, at 14:57 | #3

    I identify as autoandrophiliac* because I am very turned on by the idea of having a penis, in my fantasies I always have a cock, and if all other things were equal (like, if a gender-changing genie appeared– I’m not dysphoric enough to transition), I would choose to be male. So yeah, I agree.

    Number three, I judge you. I judge you SO HARD.

    *I know the term “autogynephiliac” came from an awful, transphobic researcher, but the concept of “being turned on by having a penis” fit in SO WELL with my sexuality.

  4. March 15th, at 14:57 | #4

    And also, Number three? The sex you have is probably not going to be that good, if you’re that uncomfortable with sexuality. Just saying.

  5. minuteye
    March 16th, at 02:29 | #5

    Huh. Number three sounds disturbingly like my roommate from second year university… but I really doubt she’d be a quizzical pussy reader.

  6. March 16th, at 23:08 | #6

    Number three mostly just makes me wonder, if her standards are so high, why she hasn’t married this boyfriend of six years or freed him and found someone worth marrying.

  7. Matt G
    March 18th, at 21:19 | #7

    I dunno, ‘Rat– I dated my wife off and on for almost 7 years before marrying her. Of course, we also boinked each other regularly since Date Number Two. We’ve been married for 13 years, now.

    Boink. That’s a fun word. Boinkboinkboinkboink.

  8. March 22nd, at 19:53 | #8

    Yeah, Stingray and I took ages too- but again, the sex started a lot earlier than the vows did. Mostly I’m just wondering since she seems on such a moral high horse about sex in general; doesn’t wanting to only be banging someone you are/will marry go along with that?

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