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19 Mar

The One True Cock

I’m about to set the record straight for good and all, people. The record on penis size.

The official record on penis size is, understandably, a source of contention and much gnashing of teeth. The blue whale’s mighty member can measure up to 8 feet long, but that’s not very impressive in proportion to his massive body. It’d be like an average-sized man having a 10 cm penis– which happens, of course, but it’s not getting into any record books.

Barnacles have the biggest penes proportionally (about 40 times the length of their bodies or something insane like that), and since most species of barnacles are hermaphrodites, they mostly all get them. Of course, if each of us had been born with a forty-million-dollar trust fund, none of us would feel all that rich, now would we?

If you care only about vertebrates, look no further than the Argentine Blue-bill duck, who curls all 17 inches of his pendulous prick up inside his cloaca until it’s business time. And most birds don’t even have pricks, so in birdland, this one-eyed snake is king.

If you are so terribly anthropocentric that you care only about human vertebrates, then the largest verified penis measured in at 13.5 inches in length and 6.25 inches around (I’m assuming that’s erect), documented in the early 1900s. This guy matches that length, and is 9 inches flaccid.

This entire italic section is a huge digression, by the way.

Here’s the interesting thing about what women like when it comes to penis size, and what I’m about to share is absolutely true…

  • Some women like a lot of length.
  • Some women prefer more girth.
  • Some women want exceptional length and girth.
  • Some women prefer average or smaller measurements in length and/or girth.
  • Some women don’t really care, they just like cock.
  • Some women are revolted by cock and would like you to put yours away now.
  • I’m going out on a limb to say that men fall into similar categories regarding penises that aren’t theirs.

Did I miss anything? My point, of course, is that I can’t say that penis size is or isn’t a big deal. It all depends on whom we’re asking. Some size queens are going to be disappointed with certain guys that are still statistically above average, and some women who aren’t into deep-dicking don’t understand what all the fuss is about.

Then, there are those guys who don’t seem to trust what their partners think and feel inadequate no matter what. Penile dysmorphic disorder must be a sober road to travel, and I can relate to it in a sense. Clearly there’s some societal pressure in play: guys feel like they need to measure up to be virile and alpha and all that, and it must be hard. Kind of like, say, having photoshopped fashion models with B.M.I.s of 16 shoved in your face all the time and being told they’re the non-negotiable physical ideal. Or something.

It becomes obvious why this penis extension sleeve and other such products start to seem like a logical option.

Personally, I’ve never had sex with a cock that felt “too small”, but maybe I’ve just been lucky. It’s hard to really compare them to the average cock (roughly 6 inches long, 4.75 inches in circumference erect, if you’re curious) without my trusty tape measure. And of course every guy I’ve been with claimed to be above average. I can say, however, that the first one I experienced was also the smallest, and going back to that size might be a trifle disappointing. Just being honest.

If a penis works and is attached to someone I’m partial to, size isn’t a primary consideration. And there’s such a thing as uncomfortably big for me, especially since I hate getting my cervix pummeled and I tend not to use lube for vaginal sex. But again, this is just me.

So far I’ve been reveling in the subjectivity of it all (which is what I often do, because I think pretty near everything is subjective, being the godless harlot that I am), but do you think human beings with our tinkering monkey minds have really been content to leave it at that? Of course you don’t. Deep down you knew that people like Ed were working hard on the problem.

Most guys have used rulers and tape measures and eased their cocks into empty toilet paper rolls to figure out length and circumference. They likely even compared numbers and roll snugness with their friends or strangers on the internet. But Ed has taken it to a whole different level. Ed wrote an ebook! And, of course, Ed made a graph.

Based on Ed’s extensive non-medical research, which I’m not sure but I think probably involves the super-empirical “asking women on the internet how they feel about their partners’ self-reported sizes” method, the perfect penis is… it kind of looks like anywhere between 7.125 and 8.375 long and between 6.125 and 6.375 inches in circumference. Anyway, the red blob. If your penis is longer, shorter, girthier, or skinnier than that, it’s relegated to “very satisfying but not ideal”, “satisfying”, or “enjoyable”. Or, heaven forbid, “not satisfying” and “freaky”.

Ed’s pretty fucking harsh. There. I said it. Also, am I the only one who thinks these circumference measurements are just a smidge unrealistic? My huge mitt is 8″ around at the widest point when in a silent duck posture, so you’d better believe that 7″ is firmly in fisting territory when we’re talking smallish female hands. For me, that amount of pain wouldn’t be very “satisfying”.

It’s too bad penises aren’t jointed or prehensile or something, because I’ve had all sorts of orgasms with just one finger in my pussy. Or with nothing at all in there, for that matter! Has anyone told Ed about my clitoris yet?

So of course all this left me wondering about my cock. A reported 7″ insertable and 5.5″ around (although my measurements place it at closer to 5″), my Feeldoe is solidly above average. It can fit partway into a toilet paper roll but then it gets stuck. Ed’s chart asserts that it would need another good inch of circumference to be “ideal”, and as it is it’s only “satisfying”.

I have fucked myself with that cock, and yes, it is satisfying. It’s “satisfying” like there’s “a bit of a problem between Shias and Sunnis”. Accurate, sure, but not exactly astute. Can you imagine coming up for air after fucking someone, searching her eyes dreamily, hoping she found it as glorious as you did, and then she remarks blandly, “Well, that was enjoyable.”

Bish please! Maybe you forgot that it vibrates.

  1. March 19th, 2010 at 20:39 | #1

    I’ve actually had better sex recently with guys who were slightly on the small side, because:

    A) More positions, and a lot more moving around in those positions, are easier do do without worrying about hurting me (or him)
    B) I don’t get sore
    C) I can get the whole thing in my mouth
    D) It fits up my butt

    A big cock is certainly a thing of beauty, but it’s a lot less versatile; I appreciate a comfortable cock.

    And that’s a very difficult compliment to give. “I’m glad your cock isn’t too big, because it’s just so comfortable!”

  2. Retro
    March 20th, 2010 at 03:25 | #2

    No fucking way. Sorry for swearing on your blog, but NO FUCKING WAY.

    OK, so I clock in at just over 7″ long and 6″ circumference. And we swing. So I’ve seen many guys. I’m the second biggest, maybe third biggest, guy around.

    We had a couple around the other day and he claims 8 1/2″. Yet both his wife and mine figured I’m bigger.

    So either I’m measuring wrong, or the cat joke applies (Guy at bar, cat walks in, guy bets his cock is longer than cat’s tail, measurements are made, cat wins, guy ass “how did you measure cat’s tail” “from his asshole” “would you mind extending me the same priviledge” — funnier if told correctly, of course).

    And yea, anal can be a pain :-)

    The biggest guy? Huge. But not enough blood to get it hard. And as far as I can tell, women prefer hard to huge and floppy.

  3. March 21st, 2010 at 07:39 | #3

    Who IS this guy, and can he get a new hobby please?! OMG, seriously.

  4. quizzical pussy
    March 22nd, 2010 at 01:16 | #4

    @Holly Pervocracy Yeah, comfortable is totally the new hung.

    I find the oral thing fun either way. It’s fun to see how I can take a big one, and it’s fun to have more freedom with a smaller one. As for anal, I don’t know if I would feel comfortable pegging someone with my own “satisfying” cock because I’m worried it’d be too thick. But damned if I was going to buy the “slim” version.

  5. quizzical pussy
    March 22nd, 2010 at 01:22 | #5

    @Retro The self-reporting gets a little ridiculous. I’m sure lots of guys claim 8 1/2 inches and skulk away when the ruler comes out. Just saying.

    Also, I will take hard over ginormous any day. No question.

  6. quizzical pussy
    March 22nd, 2010 at 01:23 | #6

    @Epiphora No idea, but he made a graph! A GRAPH!!! So it must be true.

  7. Mousie00
    March 22nd, 2010 at 09:47 | #7

    I notice the human recordholder had a circumference of 6.25″, and most of the ‘ideal’ territory is at 6.5″. I also notice that the average, 6″ long and 4.75″ in circumference, is right at the corner of ‘enjoyable’ where it meets ‘unsatisfying’.

    Harsh indeed. No wonder some men are paranoid.

  8. theDrunkMonk
    April 12th, 2010 at 23:41 | #8

    I’m ashamed at the lack of people’s lack of being childish… So I’ll step in for the role I was born for…

    Anyone else think that if the graph extended past 11″ long, that eventually there’d be a rotated mushroom and the entire thing would look a penis with the balls having just retracted? Though this would ruin the beautiful relation it has to some math functions…

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