The Ethical Succubus
I’m thinking of writing a book called The Ethical Succubus.
I’ve found that there are generally two kinds of people: those who are energized by sex, and those who just want a nap (now, please) afterward. Conventional wisdom holds that men are always the latter, which isn’t true– I’ve known a guy or two that fit in the first group. It just seems very common for guys to crash.
Sex tends to wire me. Even though I’m usually tired in general, sex makes me less so. This, of course, reminds me of everything I’ve heard about Taoist sexual practices. Essentially, it’s orgasm outreach with a totally selfish, slightly sinister motive. Men tried to fuck and fuck and fuck young women without ever coming themselves so that they could steal life force without giving any back. Apparently, ejaculate has a fuck ton of life force.
But female orgasms were supposed to emit some kind of cosmic energy as well, and for someone who gets off as easily and often as I do, you’d think (if we’re humoring Taoism, that is) I’d be utterly spent from it. Not so. I’m kind of more bouncy and giddy. Which is why it’s hard to watch a partner flag after a lovely fuck and resist the urge to curl my fingers into claws, jut out my lower jaw into a grotesque grimace, and declare “Bwahaha. I’ve stolen your soul!” But it’s okay. Boys like that.