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14 Jun


I’ve never dated, fucked, or even made out with a guy who admitted to naming his penis. I’m one click short of naive enough to believe that this proves beyond a doubt that I’ve never been with a guy who had a name for his penis, but if you were the sort of person to name your genitals do you really think you’d be the sort of person to hide that fact?

While I like to name things as much as the next sexual deviant, naming my genitals would feel too much like dissociating myself from them, and that’s the last thing I want to do a) because that’s where I have a great deal of my fun and I have no wish to start living vicariously through my own body parts, and b) because if they got to have opinions they’d probably be very disappointed in me just now because I haven’t been keeping up on my caretaking duties (read: masturbating) lately.

I have jokingly given my tits names before, patently unsexy names that I throw out at really inconvenient times.


Groping is happening. Groping moves in a booberly direction.

Quizzical Pussy (indicating left breast): Ooooh, see that’s Statler.

Confused Dude: Huh?

Quizzical Pussy: The other one’s Waldorf. Now back to the balcony, kiddo! The old boys aren’t quite done with you!

Confused Dude: You sicken me.

Quizzical Pussy: Ah ah ah I lahve eet!

…This sort of thing is really great fun until I run out of people willing to fuck me. That’s when the laughter stops.

(image source)

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  1. June 14th, 2010 at 07:45 | #1

    I dated someone in high school who had named his cock “Russell the Love Muscle.”

    I wish I could make that up.

  2. June 14th, 2010 at 08:58 | #2

    I named my penis “The Mighty George.”

    Okay, I’m totally lying; I’ve never understood why anyone would name their body parts other than for comedic effect (See Paul Rudd in Anchorman).

  3. artsynomad
    June 14th, 2010 at 11:21 | #3

    A friend of mine had a name and Facebook page for her Feeldoe for a while. It would have conversations with her and her boyfriend sometimes.

  4. quizzical pussy
    June 14th, 2010 at 12:20 | #4

    @Britni TheVadgeWig Please tell me he was being ironic. I have a much higher tolerance for ironic jackassery. Obviously.

  5. quizzical pussy
    June 14th, 2010 at 12:23 | #5

    @Brock F’in Samson I don’t get it either. Maybe it’s a commentary on how it seems to have a mind of its own? I’m flying blind here, if anyone has any ideas.

    I want to meet the guy who named his C5 vertebra.

  6. quizzical pussy
    June 14th, 2010 at 12:23 | #6

    @artsynomad Not to be creepy, but I think I might be in love with your friend.

  7. June 15th, 2010 at 03:47 | #7

    I once dated a guy who… sigh… named his cock after an anime character. (Gourry from “Slayers.”)

    Then again, I’ve long since called my tits Annie and Sally. The names just seem to fit.

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