Home > Sex in Practice > Bendy yet busted
10 Dec

Bendy yet busted

I qualify as quite the limber, bendy girl, but my arthritis (may it kick rocks) makes it impractical to take advantage of my flexibility by experimenting with cirque du soleil sex positions and whatnot. Obviously, this is disappointing for everyone involved.

I can get into some pretty awesome tangles, but all too often one of my joints will start blaring and eventually I can’t be a mighty mighty soldier of love anymore. Orgasms are a great analgesic, but there are limits. There’s always that point of “Oooooh, oooh, ooww owowowow bloody hell, get out of me so I can close my legs!” And at that stage of the game it’s pretty much spoons or nothing.

It’s like this horrible cosmic contortionist cockblock. Holy shit, guys… maybe God really does hate sex!

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  1. Sammie Putnam
    December 27th, 2009 at 18:48 | #1

    I can understand your pain. I’m 27, have had arthritis since I was 4 (doctors thought I grow out of it…yeah right.) It affects my hips,feet,knees,back and hands and its torture(if only it was the nice kind) when I can’t play with my husband. I have to use a forearm crutch when my hip it is hurting and I have a wheel chair for when my ankles and feet hurt to bad to bear weight. I do have good days when I can walk ‘normally’ for me,which is a slight limp on the right side due to cerebral palsy from a birth 3 months too early. Most people think I’m fine, until they drop in and I’m laid up trying not to cry on the worst of my days. Thank you for sharing.

  2. quizzical pussy
    December 30th, 2009 at 14:56 | #2

    @Sammie Putnam Thanks for reading. Arthritis is such a soul-sucking thing to deal with; I’m sorry you have to deal with it. May the time come when you see (and feel) only good days!

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