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04 Jun

BAST at last!

I’m a very, very normal person.

Aside from the nymphomania, the utter absurdity, the crazy hair, the whimsy, the sluttishness, physical disabilities, geekery both sexual and general, and all the aberrant philosophies, I’m totally and completely normal. Probably just about as normal as you, anyway. No offense.

And you know what? I love sex toys. Normal people love sex toys. Normal people buy them. And normal people have a whole hell of a lot of fun using them.

And I recently bought my first glass dildo in honor of Buy A Sex Toy day! Here’s what it looks like:

Some of you may remember my long-cherished dream to own a tentacle dildo. Oh yeah, I make shit happen.

What did you buy, oh-so-normal readers?

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  1. Eronarn
    June 4th, at 23:34 | #1
  2. Marie
    June 5th, at 02:00 | #2

    I read this article, and was about to link you the tentacle dildo I’ve been wanting, then I tabbed over to the original tentacle dildo article you wrote and saw the one I’d been pining for.

    I’m starting to wonder if we’re the same person.

  3. WT
    June 5th, at 02:05 | #3

    How is the tentacle dildo? I saw it on Babeland’s site (I think?) and it looked fun…

  4. CheckeredFoxglove
    June 6th, at 00:56 | #4

    This is my favorite one! I’m buying it as soon as I have somewhere to ship it that isn’t my mom’s house. :]

  5. quizzical pussy
    June 6th, at 16:53 | #5

    @Eronarn Nice!

    @Marie Somehow this doesn’t even surprise me. If we hung out would it cause a rift in time space?

    @WT So far I think it’s a keeper (like I could take it back anyway). I’ll be writing a full review once I’ve played with it a bit more.

    @CheckeredFoxglove I found this one at the local sex toy shop, so there are non-shipping options!

  6. June 6th, at 16:56 | #6

    That dildo is simply beautiful. I may buy one and leave it on the coffee table to start convesations and ward off in-laws.

  7. June 7th, at 15:59 | #7

    This year we were, *ahem* thrust into BAST day. LR and I had vaguely planned to participate, but we were out of town on the day in question, which happens to correspond to our anniversary (and the day Marv Heymeyer went on his killdozer rampage, for trivia’s sake). When certain sneaky collaborating so-and-sos discovered that the party, our anniversary, and BAST day all aligned, they bought us a present.

    Can’t say I’ve ever seen a deep-fryer used as a wrapping paper before. Novel, that.

  8. quizzical pussy
    June 7th, at 17:25 | #8

    @Clint This is one of those toys you can almost explain away as a paperweight. Almost.

    @Stingray Aaaaaaand this how you know your friends are freaking awesome.

  9. June 8th, at 02:23 | #9

    Dear Stingray:

    Thank you for chasing Himself around the lawn with the pink floppy dildo, wielding same like a cudgel. I’d hate to think any of my puritanical neighbors were in any doubt as to my status as the Whore Of Babylon. *snerk*
    PS: You’re welcome!

  10. June 8th, at 03:59 | #10

    Phlegmmy m’dear, please teach your beloved that there is a time and a place to duck, but a dildo-beating isn’t one of them unless there is already blood on the ground (or somebody has said the safeword). After all, Spear took it like a man. If only I had those reflexes….

    And just in case I hadn’t made perfectly clear, thank you, you sick devious fucks. I never suspected that had events been a mere few years earlier I would’ve been a Texas felon. :D

  11. June 8th, at 13:09 | #11

    Damn. We left the party far to early. I’m so very sorry I missed that.

  12. June 8th, at 13:36 | #12

    Nah, y’all were just out back. Dildowhacking is properly done on the front porch where gawd and everybody can see it. If you like though, I’ll make sure to haul it along to blogorado and provide a Dramatic Reenactment.

  13. June 8th, at 14:55 | #13

    Fabulous! Looking forward to it.

  14. June 9th, at 00:20 | #14

    Stingray I will have to meet you and shake your hand one day. What other freaky happenings occurred at this get together? Please tell me that there was no beer to spare me the jealousy.

  15. June 9th, at 01:35 | #15

    …only a couple of cases.

  16. June 15th, at 11:30 | #16

    You guys should all try the Hitachi Magic Wand its ace! and its the best orgasm ive had!

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