Home > Relationships > Sexyfail: Pics or it didn’t happen
21 Jul

Sexyfail: Pics or it didn’t happen

Whenever I get even the faintest whiff of myself trying to be sexy I get that feeling you get when you introduce your most embarrassing relative to the coolest people you know. Just. No.

Oh god, no.


…is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.

I’m so sorry, guys. I cannot take her anywhere.

This feeling informs very little of my behavior during actual sex (I have convinced myself, and dearly hope is true), but it dramatically influences–nay, dominates–the way I flirt, or even interact with my friends and the people I fuck. A great example of this is the fact that I do not, will not, can not send anyone sexy/risque/flirty/myspace profile/whatever pictures.

No part of me projects these self-judgments onto other people who take, send, and share sexy pics of themselves. Oh, not by any means. Please feel free to test me on this.

Over the weekend I went to a party at the local goth club. Objectively speaking, I can get pretty tarted up as long as I’m convincing myself that this is “just for fun” and not anything remotely close to trying to be sexy. I do tend to give myself the benefit of a doubt when it comes to dressing. It’s similar to my completely sense-making habit of enjoying wearing cute underwear but being terribly embarrassed whenever I’m found out. This particular night I put on a short skirt, high (as I can manage with my walking issues) heels, a t-shirt I assaulted with a pair of scissors, and these adorable striped thigh highs. And a good time was had by all.

Laramy wasn’t able to come out, having had kind of a shitty day. So as I got home and started to strip off my sweaty clothes, he was on my mind and I had a dramatically uncharacteristic thought process:

  1. These thigh highs are kind of cute…
  2. Laramy’s mentioned a couple times that he likes my legs…
  3. He’s had a super bad day…
  4. I never send him pics of me…
  5. Ergo… maybe it would cheer him up if I emailed him a picture of my legs in aforementioned thigh highs!
  6. I’d better hurry up and do it before I think this through any further.

And I wasn’t even drunk or anything! I’m not going to say that what I produced in the following moments using a camera phone, specialty hosiery, and an inexplicable lapse of inhibition was a “sexy pic”. It really wasn’t. The whole thing was supposed to be a silly “thinking of you” gesture, I guess. But after I sent it, I realized that it was hazardously close to a “sexy pic” attempt. The more I thought about it the more I started neurotically wondering if it was going to come across as entirely pathetic or just mostly pathetic, and by the time I got up the next morning I was grimly expecting the worst.

To his great credit as a gentleman, Laramy’s reaction via instant message was a lot more “I like the thigh highs” than “You preposterous creature, what’s with the flailing abortion of a jpg in my inbox?” But it was a bit of a struggle to resist asking, “So like, that picture is pretty much an embarrassment to everyone involved, right?” I felt kind as if I was watching myself in horror as I proudly brought roadkill pie to the cool kids’ sushi and sake party. My stoicism through all this was an inspiration to both of me.

Mere minutes later, I kid you not, a friend sent me a genuinely super-sexy pic of her amazing bare breasts, asking me to forward it on to Laramy. Which I did, gladly, content that I had actually found a way to at least help brighten up his morning in a much more productive way than my previous attempt.

  1. aczarnowski
    July 21st, 2010 at 14:54 | #1

    This whole post is sexy. From overcoming insecurities to thoughts of a great writer’s gleaming legs in very wonderful stockings. The world would be a happier place with more thinking-of-you pictures flying around it.

  2. July 23rd, 2010 at 08:13 | #2

    I know! Email ME the pic and I’ll give you an honest, objective opinion! (But I bet I find it incredibly sexy. Just sayin’.)

  3. quizzical pussy
    July 24th, 2010 at 15:40 | #3

    @aczarnowski Thanks. I was kind of hoping that maybe “thought that counts” points might apply, and I agree that I’d love more thinking-of-you pics in my life (maybe more on the receiving end, but I’m willing to work on my issues with the giving end too).

  4. quizzical pussy
    July 24th, 2010 at 15:42 | #4

    @Christina LMT I feel like the last thing I want is an honest, objective opinion! You’d better lie and lie hard. ;)

  5. July 30th, 2010 at 12:12 | #5

    @quizzical pussy
    I seriously doubt that any lying would be necessary at all. :D

  6. G
    August 25th, 2010 at 15:58 | #6

    I know it wouldn’t be. I’m struggling to resist the urge to beg for the pic, myself.

  7. G
    August 25th, 2010 at 15:59 | #7

    (And, as a man, I’ll tell you that the gesture *was* sweet, and all the more so because of the screaming insecurities.)

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