Home > Relationships > Quizzical Pussy, Certified Luck-out
01 Jul

Quizzical Pussy, Certified Luck-out

Guess whose desktop PC bricked out the day after her computer genius boyfriend went home after visiting? Yeah, totally me. And I may be a nerdy in my useless, fact-spouting, “It’s a Fact” girl way, but I don’t know enough to get myself out of this kind of mess. That is a fact.

Laramy, aforementioned computer genius boyfriend, insisted on making a special trip back up here yesterday after work to fix it for me, which he did. Utterly. Then he insisted on taking me out to dinner. Why, you ask? What did I do to deserve all this, you ask? Nothing. I’m just unreasonably lucky and he’s incredibly amazing.

And the very best part? I got to see him an extra bonus day.

(image source)

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  1. July 1st, at 11:08 | #1

    Laramy gets the “Doing things for the girlfriend” badge. Good job.

  2. July 3rd, at 06:30 | #2

    The computer crapping out sucks, the extra day is awesome, and the Kids in the Hall reference gets a gold star!

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