Home > I Touch Myself, Sex Toys! > Long live my penis!
01 Mar

Long live my penis!

Watching a guy play with himself fascinates me. But I’m not interested in a long, lingering, self-conscious tease that acknowledges that I’m watching and attempts to give me a show. I like to see how a guy gets himself off normally, without frills. I revel in the businesslike, perfunctory action; I like noticing the parts of his penis he focuses on and the places he ignores. I want to understand what it means for him to possess his genitals, to spy on his relationship with them. And sometimes, I find myself relating to him as much as I’m turned on.

And this is why I bought my Feeldoe. I wanted a cock of my own. Specifically, I wanted to jack off. It did occur to me– casually– that I might want to fuck another person at some point. Also, that it would be hot to slide my pretty purple cock between a set of lips, provided I could find someone to agree to give me a blowjob. But I wasn’t holding my breath or my order for any such opportunities to emerge: they were like the wacky roadtrips you might envision when you get a new car, but you’re really getting it for your day-to-day driving. Basically, I got it for day-to-day wanking.

A few of my male friends have remarked that buying the ingenious strapless strap-on to jack off with is perhaps the purest and most excellent reason to get one. It’s always nice to get unique compliments. I’m pretty sure my reason is simply the most penis-envious. Of course, if I were male I’d likely consider penis envy pretty pure and excellent myself.

I adore my pussy. I love my small-but-mighty clitoris. I write poems about my G-spot. But a cock is a beautiful thing to have, as an accessory, and I picked an especially good one.

About a year ago I was looking at strap-ons online and thinking how none of them really seemed all that tempting. I could see how the act of penetrating someone could be kinky and erotic and all, but I couldn’t imagine any harness/dildo combo feeling all that good from the fucker’s end. There’d be some clit stimulation against the harness, but it probably wouldn’t be all that different from dry humping, would it? But then. Oh, then! Then I saw the Feeldoe.

Naive as I was, to me a double dildo was a long, straight, two-headed phallus used only in porn and Darren Aronofsky movies. But this was different. This was brilliant. “Surely,” I declared to myself, “a woman designed this marvel.” Turns out, yup. It has a bulb that the top puts inside her pussy so she can feel every thrust she makes with the external dildo, and ridges that press enticingly against her clit. I could imagine the Feeldoe propelling me toward real, joyous fucking, compelling me to push faster and faster into my fuckee like a man in the grip of his impending orgasm. I also immediately realized that if I had this wondrous device I could jack myself off, and that possibility made me dizzy with longing.

I tried to reason with myself: there was no point in spending all that money on a two-person toy if I was only ever going to use it by myself. I might not even enjoy wanking like a guy, maybe I just liked the idea. But the image of stroking my own cock kept creeping into my brain, eventually camping out as a persistent fantasy. I couldn’t explain it: I wanted a cock. It didn’t matter if I never penetrated a single orifice with it, I wanted it and I would make my own fun.

So I decided to stop being a jerk and to let me have my penis. And when it came, all my wildest dreams came true. Not about fucking with it, or even getting a blowjob, because none of that has happened yet. But jacking off with my Feeldoe is fabulous. The ridges that work my clit (which I consider the major tell that a woman designed it, by the way) feel amazing when I pull on the shaft, both ends of it feel great inside me, and the little bullet vibe is a mind-blowing enhancement when I want a little something extra.

The only problem is that when I come especially hard my pelvic muscles tend to contract and push out whatever’s inside me, be it warm, pulsating flesh or slick violet silicone. So I have to concentrate on keeping it in if I want it to stay put. But the beauty of a detachable penis is that you can take it out and put it back in with ease. I do so love having it all.

  1. March 1st, 2010 at 12:26 | #1

    I was really enjoying this post until you referenced Requiem For A Dream.

    I’m going to go cry under a cold shower in a fetal position for a while now.

    I’ll finish reading this when I get back.

  2. Oddtwang
    March 1st, 2010 at 14:05 | #2

    Even more jealous than usual now that you get to have a lot of the best of both worlds :)

  3. quizzical pussy
    March 1st, 2010 at 16:16 | #3

    @Brock F’in Samson Oops, sorry. Try watching the movie “Happiness”. It’ll cheer you right up.

    P.S. I’m lying! Ruuuuuuuun!!!!

  4. quizzical pussy
    March 1st, 2010 at 16:18 | #4

    @Oddtwang Don’t be jealous! The Universe just owes me because it cursed me with a minuscule clitoris. PLUS myopia. ;)

  5. March 1st, 2010 at 23:05 | #5

    I think you just sold me a Feeldoe. I have a traditional strap-on that I like to jerk off (and very occasionally fuck girls) with, but the sensation on my end is… largely psychological. This sounds like the best invention ever.

    Also, I always secretly thought that that scene in Requiem for a Dream was kinda hot.

  6. quizzical pussy
    March 2nd, 2010 at 15:17 | #6

    @Holly Pervocracy Oh, trust me, get one! It is good on way more than the psychological level. And I think we should start a new sport: Feeldoe sword fighting. Extra points for quoting Princess Bride, preferably. Let’s take this shit to the Olympics!

  7. Ed
    March 3rd, 2010 at 13:57 | #7

    This post is an absolute turn-on to me. Please feel free to write (or post pictures) about your experiences with your new Feeldoe. If my girlfriend (or most any other woman) sported a Feeldoe or strap-on in my presence, I’d surrender my virgin ass to her without hesitation.

    Incidentally, I have seen strap-ons with vaginal and anal insertables for the wearer. Those might be better for women with weak PC muscles.

    And now I wonder … can you have a orgasm while holding on to the Feeldoe with your PC muscles?

  8. quizzical pussy
    March 3rd, 2010 at 14:21 | #8

    @Ed Oh, I can definitely have an orgasm and keep it in. I just have to mind I don’t get carried away and let any of my famous ejection deathgrip orgasms happen. Alternately, I might buy a compatible harness to make sure it stays put while fucking, if it ever comes to that. Then I can just go crazy!

  9. Ed
    March 3rd, 2010 at 21:56 | #9

    @quizzical pussy

    I’d love to experiment with you and test the the harness versus no-harness outcome. The role reversal would be kinky and, if you had an orgasm while fucking me, we’d have to try it twice (or more).

    Anyway, the following link is what I had in mind when I mentioned the dual insertable strap-on. I imagine it’s pleasurable for the wearer too.


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