Home > I Touch Myself, Sex in Practice > I have a headache
16 Jul

I have a headache

My headaches (or really headache, since it’s acting more like one loooooooong one) are unreal this week. It’s getting to the point where my head is now on my top five list of least favorite body parts, and that list is normally reserved for my aesthetic complaints. Demonstabbyhead actually knocked my enormous man hands down to number six! Things are getting drastic.

It’s pretty frustrating. I’m certainly not feeling productive in any sense of the word. Lately, showering is my big adventure for the day. Also, there’s an unconfirmed rumor that I’m taking expired vicodin. As the kids these days would say: FML.

This brings me, of course, to that old chestnut: “Not tonight; I have a headache.”

(Disclaimer: I’m pretty sure I’m a sex fiend, so my views on this subject might not apply to all, or most, or even many.)

I want to have sex when I have a headache. I want to have sex when I have an insanely terrible headache. I might not want to move around a lot, nor be on top (which I normally like), but I want the comfort, the distraction, the orgasms, and the neurotransmitters. It’s good, free, pain management.

In fact, a few years ago when Demonstabbyhead was an unrelenting fixture in my life for months at a time rather than days, I would often catch myself absently reaching down to my clit and working it like worry beads. It was relaxing, reassuring.

So this week I’ve had some amazing sex. I’ve also masturbated a lot, often while watching episodes of the X Files and The Men Who Killed Kennedy with the volume turned down low. Body distraction and unrelated mind distraction seem to work well in tandem.

In short: OUCH! Sex, please.

  1. Mousie00
    July 16th, 2010 at 10:30 | #1

    Your “enormous man hands” might be attractive. My estranged wife thinks her hands are too big (they’re as long as mine, and mine are pretty normal for a 6’3″ man). But when I look at her hands I think of her long, sensitive harpist’s fingers, which I always loved to imagine or see wrapped around my cock.

    I hope the headache goes away soon.

  2. ravenshrike
    July 16th, 2010 at 11:44 | #2

    If it continues next week you should probably see a doctor. In fact, it would probably make sense to make the appt. now and just cancel if it goes away.

  3. July 16th, 2010 at 12:23 | #3

    I can’t have sex during headaches because I get muscle tension headaches, and sex tightens my muscles, which makes the pain intolerably worse. So maybe that’s where the “not tonight, I have a headache” comes from?

    And ohmigosh, I hope you feel better soon! Although when you do, you should probably just let the “hated body parts” list stand at four rather than bumping up any standbys, because seriously, there’s nothing even wrong with your hands.

  4. July 17th, 2010 at 16:09 | #4

    I hope you feel better soon, QP. Dare I suggest a massage?
    I have huge hands, but I like ‘em, they make me a good therapist. :)

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