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11 Apr

Guest Post: CARSEX (Pt. 4)

Today we have a sexy, sexy car (truck) review from the sexy, sexy Model T! Like a rock, baby (okay, I’m mixing my make metaphors here, but whatever). -Q.P.

Ford F350 King Ranch: The obvious solution to the problem of cramped quarters for car-sex is to find a bigger car. The obvious solution to needing a bigger car is to find a truck. And if you need a big truck, the Ford F350 is a good place to start. Ford didn’t just deliver us a one-ton pickup truck; we got a one-ton, four-wheel drive crew cab with luxurious King Ranch leather trim and dual rear wheels. With a payload of over four thousand pounds, a towing capacity on the far side of twelve thousand, and a thirty-inch step up just to get inside, the F350 was not fucking around when it came to being a piece of heavy-duty equipment.
What had our interest, however wasn’t the massive cargo bed, but the extremely spacious cab. The F350 crew cab is endowed with a cabin the size of a small apartment, only with high-grade leather seats and a DVD entertainment system. There’s almost enough leg room to lie on the floor, and enough headroom for five-footers to just about stand upright inside.

It’s probably no surprise that A. and I had a marvelous time in the back of the F350. It was easily large enough to accommodate pretty much everything we wanted to do–and with deeply tinted windows and a stiff enough suspension that it didn’t rock, we went undisturbed for a good long while as well. With vehicles like this, who needs bedrooms? To be honest, we could have probably had a foursome back there, but there weren’t any volunteers. Maybe next time.


  • Arousal: 3/5–The F350 has a rugged, working-class appeal. If straightforwardness turns you on, this truck is willing to get in there and do the job.
  • Discretion: 3/5–On the one hand, it’s pretty hard to be discreet in an eighteen-foot long luxury pickup truck. On the other hand, the high cabin, dark-tinted windows, and a suspension that is unlikely to rock in the throes of passion mean that even if folks are looking at it, they’re not going to have a clue what’s going on inside!
  • Comfort: 5/5–The F350′s about the closest thing to an apartment on wheels that you’re going to find this side of a full-size van or a motorhome. Generous leg- and headroom plus a very wide body mean that you can get into as many positions as you like. And if things are really secluded, you can always throw a queen-size air mattress in the cargo bed and do it under the sky.
  • Best person to hump in this car: Anyone you want…and their cute best friend, too.
  1. June Clever
    April 11th, at 22:24 | #1

    Arousal of 3/5? Are you kidding? The truck alone is at least a 4.5/5, not even taking into consideration the sexy times happening in it. The F350s are nice to begin with but add in all the bling and extras of the King Ranch and, OMG…

    Something just occured to me LOL….a few years ago I was “dating” someone. We spent a lot of time in his truck having a lot of fun that shouldn’t necessarily be had in public. When we finally got to be alone in a private place with a bed, I had a hard time having an orgasm. Back in the truck and it was Go Time. We were together one day and he joked about me being a truck whore. I think he might have been onto something LOL.

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