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21 Sep

ConTuesday! Once, in flight school, I was laconic.

ConTuesday! Today I’m not feeling chatty at all, so you’ll get (mostly) pure, unadulterated sex secrets from strangers without much commentary from the pussy gallery. Of course, feel free to add your own!

I’m really pretty conventional. Like most men, I would love a three-way with two chicks, and like most men, I’ll never get that. I’m very devoted to my wife, and I wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt her, and whatever she may say, I think that emotionally she would become very self-conscious if I were to sex another woman, even if she were in the room with us. But I know that she is turned on by certain men, and I’m fine with that. As a matter of fact, it turns me ON that she is turned on by other men. I want so much to watch her have sex with one of these men, but then come back to me. Does that make me cocky, that I know she will come back to me? Self-demeaning, that I want my significant other to be pleasured by another? Specious, that I probably just subconsciously want my own free fling? (We’re monogamous, and have always been so.) I don’t really think so. I pretty much ALWAYS need my wife to be completely turned on before I can perform. I just want to see her delighted, from outside. I want to see her come, HARD, and then return to me. I suppose there’s the danger that she’ll love his cock more than mine. But to be honest, the thing that keeps me from approaching certain men with suggestions right now is just the terror of the Worst Case Scenario occurring: Her getting pregnant or catching a bug that can’t be un-caught. But really, the guys she likes would probably be pretty safe for the latter, and the former would be addressable (redundant BC, for starters).

I’m a poly heteroflexible white male, mostly out, and I want to write publicly about sex and poly. However, I don’t want to do so with my name (or any known internet handle) attached, because I think it’s tacky (and possibly harmful) to write openly and possibly identify my partners, but also because I’m anxious about what my friends and family will think. But I have some really hot sex, and I find poly so fascinating and wonderful – I’m just not sure where and how to share my thoughts about it.

Why not start an anonymous blog? It’s fun and easy and in some contexts, even free!

Every time I take a especially large toy or a hand or anything else larger than usual, I spend the next day doing tons of kegels or wearing my smartballs around, because I’m afraid my vagina will get stretched out. Even thought I KNOW that’s not how vaginas work.

I have a raging libido (mid 30s, woman, i guess that whole sexual peak thing is true) and all I can think about is sex. I read porn online, fantasize about sex, masturbate all the time- and tell my husband that my chronic illness has left me with no desire at all. Ever since he got sick, I’ve been taking care of everything and I’ve come to view him as a child I have to care for. And I’m not a pedophile.

Got something to share and nowhere to share it? Send it to me.

  1. First Post Contributor
    September 22nd, 2010 at 00:17 | #1

    As the first contributor above, I’m dazzled and a little shocked to see my words in print where everyone could see them. I feel a little like I’m walking about in public, completely naked, but with a Zorro mask on over my face. I meant every word, and am curious if this is a common serious of self-questions by other readers here? Is the cuckold fantasy (for I can honestly call it nothing else) common? (No, I’m not interested in dealing with another man’s penis or its discharge on my woman; I just would love to see her made genuinely happy in a fantasy [fantastic] way, for her to dream about later.) {[(Oh, hell, who am I kidding? In deep dark fantasies, I get to touch their point of interface during sex. But I would never say or type that out loud.)]}

  2. Orphan
    September 22nd, 2010 at 00:42 | #2

    First – yes, it’s common. (I think it was one of the first categories of sexual fantasy discussed in modern sexual literature.)

    In my early years, before I realized I wasn’t asexual so much as a combination of sexually repressed and not actually sexually interested in anybody I knew at the time, I figured I could have a girlfriend and she could get sexual satisfaction from somebody else. (This idea became a lot less appealing the first time it was put into practice, and caused a serious philosophic meltdown for me, as well as the realization of my own sexuality.) Not -quite- the same thing, but as I have come to terms with my own sexuality, the idea has developed a separate appeal.

    And in an advance of the earlier pragmatism, I want my partners to have enough experience to be able to say whether or not that want me. I want my value for them to be objective – “This is what I want,” rather than, “This is the best choice so far in my limited experience,” which I think ties into your notions of your lover returning to you; that they pick you because they want you.

  3. G
    September 22nd, 2010 at 23:25 | #3

    I think Orphan makes a damned good point, there, at the end. It’s almost like a form of sexual maturity. Almost exactly like, come to think of it.

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