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02 Mar

ConTuesday lives!

…it was just hiding in Wednesday all along.

I failed in my duties as secret keeper this week. Bacon got the best of me. Long story.

So here’s ConTuesday, one day late. Enjoy the secrets, enjoy the scandal, all nicely aged an extra day.

My ex convinced me to let him fuck my ass, but I never quite enjoyed it… Now I have a new boyfriend and the most AWESOME anal orgasms… I guess you should try everything twice, otherwise I really would have missed out :-)

I think I know exactly what you mean! I didn’t really know I liked anal sex until two factors were in place: Laramy and lube. Before that, I only had this vague feeling that I could like it if it didn’t hurt so much.

I rang in the New Year with three spectacularly loud and enthusiastic fuck-sessions, after having pretty bad dry spells in 2010. I also had my first orgasm with a partner using fingers only and it was AWESOME.

I have to say, I think fingering is massively underrated. At least, fingering me is. Everyone’s mileage always varies, of course, because of snowflakes.

Now that it’s March, I feel it’s the perfect time to examine the direction the new(ish) year seems to be going in. So I’m hoping that is shaping up to be the ultimate anti-dryspell for you!

I pee in containers in my bedroom. Usually Tupperware or the trashcan. The bathroom door is like two feet outside my bedroom and my roommate doesn’t hog it or anything. I throw out the pee within a day or two so my room doesn’t get too pee-y. I guess I just like the feeling of peeing in something that’s not a toilet. It makes me feel so gross though.

There are much worse habits. I have to level with you, though: I don’t get the appeal at all. I mean, personally, I feel like pee is too pee-y immediately.

You asked for New Year sexual resolutions, so here goes: I resolve to have sex at least once a month.

Given that I’m in a long-term, non-long-distance, committed relationship, and we both love sex, the fact that this is even an issue is sad.

Why, why, why is it an issue? I ask because as someone who loves sex, and is in a relationship with someone who loves sex, I would feel very forlorn needing to make this resolution. In fact, I’d like to avoid getting to that point. No offense meant here. I really, really hope you’re sticking to this one.

After being roughly paddled and fucked at a kinky party last night to the NIN song ’Closer,’ I feel like my life has reached new levels of ludicrous and awesome.

I definitely want to start going to more (or any) kinky parties. Ludicrous, awesome, here I come.

Have a secret to share? Want to see it posted here for all to see, none to know? Send it in. It might even show up here on a Tuesday, of all preposterous notions!

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  1. G
    March 2nd, at 09:42 | #1

    Okay, that third one’s an odd one.

    As a man, I of course like to pee outside. It’s grand because you needn’t worry about hitting anything; you simply avoid your own stream. I get that part of not peeing in the toilet.

    But peeing in a container, when a toilet is readily availible? And then KEEPING THE URINE for any period of time?!?

    This is some kind of sexual kink? I don’t get it. Some kind of urolagnia.

  2. March 3rd, at 18:44 | #2

    Once a month?!? Oh honey. Not only do I hope you reach your goal, I hope you exceed it explosively!

  3. June Clever
    March 4th, at 01:53 | #3

    Once-A-Month…I hear ya. At this point, once a month would be a treat.

  4. March 4th, at 08:43 | #4

    Confessor #4, I’m curious as to what is keeping you from getting your freak on more often. I’m also curious about the lackluster goal. Perhaps instead of setting the one goal you should set certain benchmarks. The reason I say is that if you meet your goal and have sex twelve times this year, at the end you’ll congratulate each other with a handshake. Conversely if you had sex twelve times this week you’d be so turned on that you would congratulate each other by jumping on each other’s bones. If you had sex twelve times today you’d probably strain something and have to be put in traction which makes frequent sex far more difficult. So instead of resolving to do it once a month make that the first benchmark. Then go for once a week. Then three times a week. Daily. Morning and evening and tea break. You’ll look back and laugh that you made it a goal to have sex twelve times a year. You’ll say to yourself “I do that in an average WEEK now!” Maybe I’m being terribly naive here.

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