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10 Aug

ConTuesday! It’s whack.

ConTuesday is here, and with it comes more anonymous confessions! It’s pretty safe to say that none of these are about you, but we really can’t rule it entirely out, now can we?

My boyfriend misses his ex. I can just tell. He gets sad eyes when he talks about her. He says little throw away things, that reveal that he’s thinking of her. It happens a lot. I know he cares for me. She has moved on, and has a kid with another man. But, if he had a chance to get her back I believe he would leave me, in an instant. The weirdest part is, I’m not mad, I feel sad for me, and sad for him. I wish I could make him as happy as she used to…..

I (a guy, not that it really matters) once carried on a purely sexual relationship with a guy; I let him know it would only be a sexual relationship, although I wasn’t entirely honest about the reasons why (I just wasn’t that into him). I then dropped the relationship when I realized that -he- wasn’t interested in anything else; even though I didn’t want anything more, I guess I wanted to believe that he did, as the discovery eliminated all interest for me.

The guy I’m kind of seeing lives four hours away so we don’t get to see each other, or play with each other, very often. He was here last weekend for a visit and instead of immediately getting a hotel room like I knew he wanted to, I acted oblivious and we did other things all afternoon…. I knew he was horny and wanted to get me alone, and I kind of enjoyed making him wait. I’m not sure if that’s mean or not but since I fully intended to get naked with him (and did) I think I’m going to go with not mean, just playful.

I like my boyfriend best when he’s been smoking crack. He gets all sweet and slow. He’s more sexual and touches me more. It’s made me realize that I need to find a boyfriend who I like when he’s not on drugs.

Now, tell me something. It’s completely anonymous, possibly therapeutic, and undoubtedly interesting.

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