Home > ConTuesday > ConTuesday! Fapping, fantasies, and diffidence run amok.
28 Sep

ConTuesday! Fapping, fantasies, and diffidence run amok.

Here are some anonymous confessions for you to read. They are very mysterious!

I sat and read your blog and masturbated and read and read and masturbated until I was raw. I finally came as I thought that there are others who do the same thing, and I realized that I would tell you this, here, which just pushed me right over the top.

No, seriously, I recognize your lack of social skills and romantic experience and find it endearing. But how on earth you could miss that someone stroking your hair while talking about how pretty you are, while on a bed, IS HITTING ON YOU I will never know.

Sometimes I think that everything I do is motivated by sex. It’s really not stereotypical behaviour for a woman. But events I go to, supposedly political groups I join, everything seems to be motivated by the idea of finding someone new. It’s not just the sex, I’ve got a bit of a growing obsession with having a baby. I use contraception but I really wish that I didn’t.

My fantasies are fairly horrific. They are about the reduction of people (of all ages) to objects to be abused in all the worst ways imaginable. I don’t appear in my own fantasies at all; they are just small horror films which I watch. The characters don’t have names or faces. In real life, I get upset and triggered by accounts of suffering and abuse less than what I fantasise about elsewhere. My mini-world is a rape culture world, a feminist’s nightmare, a man’s nightmare too. Sometimes women are the abusers, often it is a misogynistic society run by men. I find it strange because it’s not something I’d want to do in real life at all. I have mostly stopped feeling guilty about it, because my fantasies have been like this from the start, but I can’t tell much of the truth when partners ask for my fantasies. They get the sanitised version – and even then are usually a little shocked.

Now you tell me a secret.

  1. G
    September 28th, 2010 at 13:16 | #1

    Wow. Anonymity at its finest, including a funny one (#2 is sooo spot-on! But funny.).

    I love. This. Series.

  2. Lullabee
    October 1st, 2010 at 15:54 | #2

    I know someone who acts like the flirt in the second one. Like, she’s done basically the exact same thing. Sometimes, as obvious as the flirting is, the actual intention of it isn’t clear and it would be really unfortunate if it were flirting, so you just pretend not to notice you’re probably being flirted with.

    But if someone goes “what? They were flirting?” then, yeah, Earth to Captain Clueless, can you hear us?

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