ConTuesday! Boobs and pudding
ConTuesday confessions hot off the internet! There will be boobs and pudding, but that’s not all…
For my age, I would say, most people believe I already had at least one relationship. It is, somehow, accepted by society that I should. Fact is, though, that I haven’t. I never went further than a french kiss. More that is not much of a confession. The thing is, if I were to buy a sex toy, I would have no idea what to do with it. I never even touched myself, let one felt the urge to.
Most people do seem to expect everyone to share a desire to date and fuck and masturbate. But they’re ignoring and marginalizing a ton of people when they do. I think it’s important for even sex maniacs to remember this.
My boyfriend is amazing for me in bed, and amazing as a person in general, to the extent that I’m pretty sure he’s the person I want to spend the rest of my life with – but I can never quite let myself go completely with him when we’re sexin’. Not because I’m repressed, or afraid he’ll mock me, but because I don’t want to hurt his feelings. He’s a bigger guy and one of the reasons I’m so attracted to him physically is that I’m almost exclusively turned on by lads and lasses one would describe as overweight; he’s aware of this, but I’m always kind of nervous that I’ll accidentally slip up and tell him that his big stomach or soft chest is so hot when I’m distracted by lust. He’s really sensitive about his weight, and it’s such a fine line to tread, trying to tell someone you find them gorgeous partly because of a trait they despise about themselves. I wish he could see himself the way I see him; maybe it would stop him from thinking I’m prettier than him, stop him from feeling ugly whenever he has to get shirtless in front of anyone else… and stop him from wanting to get thin.
Weight is such a sensitive subject, but at the same time how can we possibly expand the idea of which body types are widely considered sexy if we don’t talk about it, if we don’t in fact revel in it? This may seem like advice, but it’s not. I’m just agreeing that you’re in a frustrating position loving an aspect of your boyfriend’s looks and self that he isn’t comfortable with.
There’s a small stain on the carpet of my old room in my parents’ house. My mom knows it’s from when I threw up during a visit a year or so ago. What she doesn’t know is that the vomit was about 50% chocolate pudding and 50% semen. I’ve since learned to be a little more cautious when deep-throating a guy, and to put down a towel first.
That was either like one spoonful of pudding or a fuck ton of semen, according to my calculations. Towels are really such a good idea for a variety of sexual acts. Also hitchhiking.
I just realized that I’m pretty much willing to show my boobs to anyone who asks, at least in theory. I think it’s because I respect them for being straight up and asking for what they want. As long as they don’t try to touch, it seems like a totally reasonable request.
Also, because boobs are awesome.
Boobs are awesome. I don’t really consider it a reasonable request when people I’m not close to/interested in ask to see my boobs, but I’m probably not as generous a person as you are. You also probably have better boobs, I’m guessing. Anyway, thank you for your contribution to society!
Now, dear reader, show me your secrets and tell me your tales.
Confessor #3, I just wanted to make sure you know that not all guys are that into deep-throating. Lots are, of course, but not all.
Of course nobody should feel obligated for any sex act. But I feel deep-throating needs special mention because I’m getting the impression it’s one of the things all the cool girls are supposed to do.
I always discouraged my wife from getting into it because gagging is a turn-off for me. I can totally understand why a guy would like to be deep-throated, but it seems like there’s too much pressure.
Gawd bless Confessor #4. This complies with my own Rules Of Engagement, outside of my significant other: I can’t touch ‘em, but I can sure’s hell see ‘em nekkid!
Confessor #2, I feel your pain. Why does no one like the overweight ones? They’re so soft!
Confessor #4, I completely agree. Which is why about half my friends have seen my breasts (in addition to my love of skinnydipping. Which I haven’t gotten to indulge in much recently. Woe.)
Ah #2, A woman (I’m assuming a woman) after my own heart. I adore big men and very rarely find myself attracted to someone that would be considered an “average” size. I don’t consider myself Bi but, when I am attracted to a woman, they also are what most people would consider “chubby”. Funny thing is, I’m also an “above average size” woman (ok, well above average) and I’m seeing someone who also adores “big girls” but I’m just as self conscience about myself as your boyfriend is about himself. I know this guy likes me for who I am, and likes my body exactly the way it is, and wouldn’t like it if I lost much weight, but I just can’t bring myself to feel as attractive as he thinks I am. When he has said things about being turned on by touching parts of me that I hate, I can’t help but think “Ew, why would you want to touch that? It’s all squishy and gross”. Logically I know he likes it and I know it’s not impossible to like, and be turned on by, someone who is over-weight, because I have the same feelings. I love cuddling with him and being close to him and feeling how he is very strong and muscular but, also, nicely squishy and comforting. I just can’t understand why he likes the same thing about me. Damn double edge sword and damn society for telling us we’re not “good enough” if we’re not a size 6.
Confessor #2, Ozymandias and June Clever, thanks for mentioning that large guys are OK. Large guys don’t hear that very much. (I’m pretty average weight for a 41yo American but that is large compared with athletes and models.)
Just judging by me, I think weight is much less important than people think. I don’t care much about “big” or “skinny” or “in-between”. Not that I’m so spiritual, caring only for the blending of souls; I care a whole lot about her kinks, just not much about her weight.
I just have to give you a SCI-FIVE for the Hitchhiker reference… I love it when my pervyness and geekyness intersect!
>You also probably have better boobs, I’m guessing.
That is *such* a female thing to say.
@UnderTheDark Sci-five back! This is so totally a safe space for the geeky and sex-crazed.
@wrm I’m a total girl. Does this comment make me look fat?
As a large-framed guy (complete with the extra padding), I really appreciate hearing some of the comments here. My fiance tells me more about how she enjoys my strength than how I should change my body (usually for medical reasons.. but I can’t help but think too that she might like a trimmer me.) Anyway, it’s a boost to hear it folks, thanks.