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28 Jun

ConTuesday! Bi now!

This is a public service announcement: Bisexuals exist. Sometimes I get sick of people pulling the “phase” card, telling us to make up our minds, or assuming that once we start fucking people of one sex that means we’ve sworn off people of another. There is even a TV Trope about this (warning: TV Trope link goes to TV Tropes, so prepare to lose your day if you click).

Some people just get to have more options than you do. Deal with it.

This public service announcement is also a ConTuesday that features people who really can (and perhaps even do) have it both ways.

I’m dying to have a MMF threesome, but my boyfriend has gotten into this rut of non openness and the idea of it being the death of our relationship. I don’t really think I would want him to be a part of it tho’, I would actually rather find an established male bi-sexual couple who want to play with each other as much as me. I want it to be fun and giving, and flirty. I’ve done it with toys, but I want the physical sensation of being between 2 warm bodies. Just the thought of it makes me quiver and get wet.

I’ve never had an MMF threesome, and it’s a huge fantasy. But I have to say, I’d rather have a “devil’s threesome” where no one felt like it was the consolation prize of threesomes. I’d rather just forgo it than have to deal with two guys trying to avoid each other trying to have a 100% heterosexual experience with me. So two bi guys? Yum.

I love my boyfriend. I love his personality, I love his quirks. I love how geeky he is. In bed, he’s perfect. He’s sexy, he turns me on, he’s ok with my sleeping with the ladies (because, you know, sometimes you just want boobs.), he likes being dominating, oh how I love being submissive. The problem is, I had a great sex drive… I was ready for sexy times at the drop of a hat… and he has health problems. Of the, sex is limited because ow my body hurts bad and I just can’t sort. It got to the point where it made me feel terrible to so much as suggest sex, much less actually having sex, even if he initiated, because it would put him out of commission the rest of the day. And then he’d feel terrible because I used to love sex, and now I just can’t get into it. And I’d feel terrible for making him feel terrible.

I’m not old enough for this yet. I love him, but I miss sex with him.

Trying to have a good sex life while working around your health issues can be really, really frustrating for everyone involved. Hope you guys have figured out a way that works for you! Also, ha you’re bi you exist ha!

So, over the course of an extremely raunchy (and fun!) marathon sex session last night, my boyfriend of 18 months came out to me that he is bi. He seemed a little surprised (and relieved) that I wasn’t squicked out by the fact at all.

Hey, I figure I’m bi, he’s bi, as long as we keep communication open and play safe, there could be a lot of fun to be had!

Bi-on-bi love is a beautiful thing. Also, in order to accomplish it you have to have two bisexuals who also exist. Just saying.

I had a friend who was a pre-op transsexual. I wasn’t attracted to him, but it was intriguing, the penis with breasts. I mean I didn’t find him at ALL hot, but his cock was huge and and there was something very sweet and accommodating about his way. That was some strange and singular sex. I think I was his last big hoo-rah, and I think I’ll never be curious again about sex with a man with boobs. Now, sex with a man AND with a woman with boobs, otoh…

I have a bit of a crush on a woman who happens to be trans. No idea what’s going on under her clothes, but I do know that she is so freaking cute and I am equipped to deal with any eventuality. Why? Cause bi!

  1. N
    June 28th, at 08:30 | #1

    Thanks for posting this. Either real or fantasy there is an appeal to 2+ relationships.

  2. June 28th, at 17:24 | #2

    I’m bisexual, and I exist!

    Also, some love for the trans men here. Buck Angel is definitely on my Fuck List. Something about the way he’s so muscular and so masculine and has a pussy just gets me. I also have a giant fantasy of fucking a femme, flamboyantly gay trans man… it’s a life goal.

  3. July 1st, at 05:59 | #3

    Then why dont u come fuck me

  4. confessor #4
    July 2nd, at 20:58 | #4

    I was very happy to be your fappy ending for Con Tuesday this week!

  5. July 4th, at 19:06 | #5

    I am so glad to find someone who feels the same way that I do. I’m a bisexual women who is so tired of people telling me to make up my mind or you’re double dipping that’s unfair.

  6. July 5th, at 03:56 | #6

    Confessor #4′s latest remark, F.T.W.

  7. Jade
    July 5th, at 23:47 | #7

    To the last confessor, thats some seriously insulting language to be using toward your trans friend and any trans person. get your pronouns and genders right, its not much to ask and you arent much of a friend if you dont bother or think you get an exemption.

  8. confessor #4
    July 13th, at 03:07 | #8

    Despite the breasts and hormones, the person was still dressing and putting her/himself out there as a man with a male name, and that is how I knew her/him. For what it’s worth, this was about 20 years ago. We were not close friends, ever, and over time lost touch altogether. I think she/he felt accepted by me and I of her/him, and I hope that my comment was not taken as anything other than one of acceptance. M. and I had similarly open attitudes toward sexual experience and I won’t apologize for having acted on that curiosity. I am sorry you found my language insulting, as that was not remotely my intent. Oh, and thanks for judging me.

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