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17 Aug

ConTuesday! Beau Brummel

This ConTuesday has several sorts of anonymous confessions to sample: transgressive, triumphant, murky, and really kind of gut-wrenching.

While I was married to my first wife, I had an affair with her sister, that lasted about a year. In all honesty, I should have stayed with the sister, life would have been much better. One night, I butt-fucked my SIL, and then went upstairs, and woke up my wife, and had her give me a blow job. What made it even more weird was that my SIL stood in the hallway and masturbated while she watched us.

I recently discovered that if I apply really strong pressure to my clitoris as I’m orgasming, the climax keeps going for an extra thirty seconds or so. I wish it was socially acceptable to share these sorts of little personal triumphs with the world at large, but it’s not, so I’ll share it with you.

You know how something will randomly pop into your head and you’ll think “I have to remember to look this up on the internet later”, but you don’t have a smart phone and you every time– without fail– forget to look it up when you’re actually on a computer? Well, in a similar vein, I keep meaning to try this!

Boy, you are very cute and you have a tophat, which is always a plus. However, you violate the xkcd rule, so despite your flirting I doubt we shall ever have a relationship. …Maybe making out. But that is definitely the limit here.

If I wear top hat will you make out with me? I’m just curious here.

I confessed here before my boyfriend barely touches me. He’s doing such a great job convincing me he doesn’t find me attractive, that I’m starting to find him less attractive… I go to get my nethers waxed and think sadly how I’ll keep paying for this because at least twice a month, I know someone will touch me below the waist.

If I wear a top hat will you let me give you a big hug? Because this confession really makes me want to.

Send in your anonymous confessions using this convenient form! Make haste!

  1. August 17th, 2010 at 10:50 | #1

    Hmm, spam filter may be eating my comments with links. I was trying to put in some links to articles by “The Last Psychiatrist” claiming that men are less interested in sex because they find THEMSELVES unattractive. They don’t measure up in their own minds, so they feel embarrassed to have sex. I thought it rang pretty true, though my own problem was her not wanting me enough.

  2. August 17th, 2010 at 10:57 | #2

    Tried a link without link tags, still eaten. If you’re curious, google The Last Psychiatrist The Sex-Starved Wife

  3. volock
    August 17th, 2010 at 16:01 | #3

    For the top hat / XKCD reference for those who don’t get it, it’s a reference to a recurring character in the web-comic http://www.xkcd.com

    If you open the Wikipedia article, it has links from the recurring character section to all the relevant comics.

  4. anon
    August 22nd, 2010 at 13:43 | #4

    Original top hat confessor here! Actually Tophat Guy is not a reference to the top hat guy from xkcd… it is an actual literal top hat possessed by a fairly adorable little gothling. The xkcd rule I was referencing was the ‘half your age plus seven’ rule. NO, BOY. YOU ARE PRACTICALLY AN INFANT. STOP FLIRTING.

    I will pretty much make out with anyone wearing a tophat.

  5. August 23rd, 2010 at 16:48 | #5

    I love you…you know who Beau Brummel is!

  6. August 24th, 2010 at 00:21 | #6

    What a tragic, interesting post.

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