Home > Confessions > ConTuesday! Anatomical synchronicity
29 Mar

ConTuesday! Anatomical synchronicity

My sophomore year at University, I took a 100-level Women’s Studies class, partly because I was holding down three jobs and I wanted an easy course held in the evening, and partly because I felt like there were things I was missing out on.

I knew I was supposed to be finding myself (it’s what all the cool kids seemed to be doing in college), but I wasn’t. I was just going to class and working and trying to keep my relationship together. There was nothing revelatory about my life. But it seemed like maybe feminists could tell me where I was.

They couldn’t, of course. No one can. But for my final project in that class I wrote and illustrated an educational pamphlet on female genital anatomy. It was created to give young women a sense of normalcy regarding masturbation and a clear idea of what’s where in the vulvular region. And I don’t know why, but I’m still rather proud of it. Probably because it makes me laugh even now.

In retrospect, I really don’t think it’s possible to find yourself where and when you’re “supposed” to. Unlike the average clitoris.

Today’s confessions are about anatomy, more or less.

I’m an adult who wets the bed, and I’m terribly afraid every time I stay over after sex that I’m going to piss on him.

Some guys would be into that. Just saying.

My partner begs me to pee on him. CONSTANTLY. This does nothing for me, to the point where I find it disgusting. I did pee on his face for the first time in our many years together, and he loved it. I wanted to puke. Ah, love.

See, first confessor? It’s probably not exactly kismet that these two confessions actually came in the same day, but it’s something. Synchronicity, maybe.

Oh, and this commenter? You are good, giving, and game without a doubt.

My roommates are in the main lounge studying, but I feel a lot more productive–while masturbating, I finally succeeded in orgasming from nipple play alone. (of course the one nipplegasm didn’t stop me from subsequently going for the clit and coming again…)

Ooh I just had a nipple orgasm myself! Isn’t it cool how all the kinds of orgasms are different? You can have a five-course meal just of different kinds of coming.

I broke up with my boyfriend about a month ago, I don’t really miss him but what I do miss is his penis which was huge. I was going to have sex with someone else the other day but actually couldn’t do it because they just had nothing compared to him. I’m scared I’ll never be as satisfied with another penis as I was with his!

Not being a real size queen myself, I find it hard to relate to this, exactly, but I can sympathize. I’m imagining being condemned to skinny, three-inch cocks and a one-finger-at-a-time limit for the rest of my life, and I’m suddenly unsatisfied.

I’m scared I will never love another penis the way I loved my ex boyfriend’s penis. It was a beauty and now every single one I see is a true disappointment. I wish I’d taken a picture when I had the chance.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you and the previous confessor could just switch exes? I wonder if your “big”s are comparable. Unless you’re the same person, and your ex is mutant, unequaled in size the world over. In which case, balls.

But I remain firm in my belief that mammoth penii are out there, more than enough for both of you, just waiting to blow your minds.

Now, kind readers, blow my mind? Tell me something good.

  1. March 29th, at 08:10 | #1

    Technically I must point out that it is a BEAUTIFUL penis #5 mentioned; a guy could theoretically have a beautiful penis that was not excessively large.

  2. March 29th, at 08:54 | #2

    I just want the last two confessors to know that, not unlike the forecast for gay teens who hang in there, IT GETS BETTER. I thought my ex’s dick was the bees knees forevereverever, and then about five months after our split I met the most delightful mind-blowing dick of all space & time. It flew away on an airplane thirty hours later, but what a fine thirty hours! Now I’m convinced there are limitless wonderful cocks out there, for all of us!

  3. quizzical pussy
    March 29th, at 11:17 | #3

    @ozymandias Sometimes I make assumptions and lose track of… OMG a kitty! Wanna go ride bikes?

  4. March 29th, at 15:31 | #4

    @quizzical pussy
    I mean it could have a lovely pinkish color, and a cute little head, and balls that aren’t actually the most ugly fucking thing on God’s green– ooh! Kitties! Bikes! YAAAY!

  5. placebokid
    March 31st, at 11:04 | #5

    To the person who wets the bed. i feel so much sympathy for you. i really hope you find someone who understands, and can deal with it with lightheartedness.

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