Home > Confessions > ConTuesday! About those double standards…
31 Aug

ConTuesday! About those double standards…

ConTuesday may be coming late today, but it has not forsaken us. I was just really tired from an exciting, dehydrated day at an amusement park and I scheduled it wrong. Oops! Here are the anonymous internet confessions you may have been expecting, and certainly deserve.

P.S. I’m chatty again in this one.

When he was young, my boyfriend was bi-curious, and he experimented a bit. His experiments showed him that he was definitely straight, but he said that the one thing he did enjoy was sucking cock – he just wished it hadn’t been attached to a guy. Ever since he told me, it’s haunted my fantasies. Sometimes, when my boyfriend is going down on me, I imagine that I’ve got a cock that he’s sucking, and that he’s being pounded up the ass by my guy best friend. I know they’d both be freaked out and upset if they knew about my fantasies, but it gets me off every time.

I can’t help thinking that the average hetero guy who learns that his female partner has/had bi tendencies has a very similar reaction, and no one ever seems all that shocked. Double standards!

While studying abroad, I fell hard for a boy on my program. He even goes to my college back home. But he doesn’t want to be in a polyamorous relationship, and I already have a girlfriend, so that’s just non-negotiable for me. We had sex for perhaps the last time last night, what with me going home in four days, and the ache in my pussy and jaw (we do last-time sex right, dammit!) is serving as a constant, depressing reminder. So I’m self-medicating with ice cream and Mad Men.

Ouch, that sucks. Hope you’re feeling better by now. Christina Hendricks always cheers me up.

Sometimes I feel like I know too much about sex toys. I just found out via Facebook that somebody from my high school is hosting Temptation parties (those Tupperware-but-for-toys parties), so I went to her blog and checked out her product list. It’s all jelly toys, which I feel obligated to warn people about anyway, but to make it worse, her blog also announced that she’s pregnant. I feel guilty about not warning her about the birth defects linked to jelly toys, but I just don’t know her well enough to say anything!

I’m not sure if there’s such a thing as knowing too much about sex toys, unless of course the mystery somehow dies and they no longer inspire passion. That might be close to too much. But yeah, jelly toys are varying degrees of a bad idea for most of us, folks.

I’ve always felt filthy and ashamed of myself for having any kind of sexual desire for as long as I can remember. I’ve always thought of myself as ugly and unloveable. I’m never in my own fantasies. A friend suggested I read some of the sex blogs, and I started to, for once, feel like maybe I wasn’t so bad after all.

Then I read far enough back to find that none of the acceptance applies to us furries.

One of the things that I challenge myself with in writing this blog is trying to portray myself honestly, insofar as an anonymous blog allows for that. I’m insecure and flawed. I make terrible decisions sometimes. Odd thoughts blindside me and I run with them. Oh, and I have an irrational fear of most anthropomorphic animals. And then I’m a jerk about people that like them. I’m working on accepting furries more. And, you know, I really am glad if that’s what makes you happy, or gets you off, or makes you comfortable. It’s just something I as an entirely imperfect person have issues with. I also can’t watch Yogi Bear cartoons. Please don’t let me being an asshole about the stuff you’re into make you feel worse about yourself. You can go ahead and be pissed about it, of course, if that was more the subtext.

Confess everything here!

  1. G
    August 31st, 2010 at 13:54 | #1

    Dear last anonymous contributor:

    I’m a classicly sexual hetero male, and I don’t really do anything that your average pastor or uber-conservative would find fault with (save for my occasional porn round-up, but who doesn’t do that?). But I find your furry obsession disgusting, at all. I’m not into it in the least, please understand, but as long as you’re with consenting adults, I don’t care who you scritch with, or get into a puppy pile, or whatever. I imagine that the anonymity has a certain excitement to it, I guess, and then there’s the generally safe factor to it, too. As a kid, I was a little scared of furry costumes, the same as I was of clowns. As an adult, evaluating adults in those costumes for their mutual enjoyment– no problems, friend.

    Jelly Toy Girl– Tell her. Suggest to her that it would be good to include silicone toys to her line, especially for women in her condition. (make a positive of it.). Jelly toys are serious eye candy, and I made the mistake of buying one for my wife, early on. I just didn’t know. (They look like such a good bargain, too.) It was my wife who gently explained that it wasn’t going to be lasting long. You might suggest that she suggest or even sell condoms with them?

    First anon: If he told you that, I’ll wager that he won’t be offended to hear your fantasy. (Your BF, not your best guy friend.) Few of us are offended to hear fantasies about us.

  2. G
    August 31st, 2010 at 13:56 | #2

    Oh, NO!!! Second sentence should have read “But I don’t find your furry obsession disgusting, at all.”

    So sorry.

  3. quizzical pussy
    August 31st, 2010 at 16:41 | #3

    @G Way to come on my site and be mature all over the place, buddy. :)

  4. August 31st, 2010 at 22:03 | #4

    I have to say that if my partner were into _anything_ — furry or whatever stripe of what others would think of as “kink”– I’d want my darling to be honest with me about it and because I love them, I’d totally explore it with them and would do my very best to get into it, as well. I’d expect the same generous spirit to be requited. It’s not that nothing turns me off, but that if I’ve reached the point of giving my heart to someone who is a decent and honorable person, I accept all the rest of them and feel some obligation with regard to helping them feel good about themselves. So to that guy or gal who did the furry confession, you hang in there and know that just because a lot of people don’t crow about it, there are a lot of people who celebrate your right to pursue happiness, and there are probably more than you could imagine who share your tastes. Someone who truly loves you will accept you, too.

  5. August 31st, 2010 at 23:02 | #5

    I can’t say it any better than xkcd can:


  6. G
    September 1st, 2010 at 00:29 | #6

    @quizzical pussy Uh, thanks? :)

  7. September 1st, 2010 at 14:13 | #7

    A weird thing about kink culture is it is often comfortable with some very dark fetishes and fantasies, but silly or cute ones are somehow just beyond the pale.

    Me, I like a good dose of silly in my sex. Furries seem to get that even if the fursuit thing is a few steps beyond the “I can find this hot” line for me.

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