
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
23 Dec

Important end-of-the-year concerns


Magazine stands flank the checkout lines at the front of the store.

LARAMY and QP walk past on their way to find vitamins and feminine hygiene products. QP casually scans the magazine covers as they pass.


What the fuck did Sandra Bullock do this year that makes her People’s Woman of the Year?


I’m sure I don’t know.


Didn’t she get divorced or something? Is that what put her over the top? If that’s all it takes, hell, I can think of a couple other Women of the Year who are wondering where their awards are right now.




In other news, Hermione really did get hot, however creepy that might make me sound.


Yeah, she really did. But then she cut her hair and kinda ruined it.



I was talking about when she cut her hair!


It’s too short.


(remembering when she shaved her head)

…I don’t think I understand why you’re with me.


Now, personally, I think short hair on women is very, very sexy. But I can prove that her pixie cut was objectively a good idea. Emma Watson won an award for it last month. Best Hair of the Week on a website, baby! They don’t hand you one of those just because you got a divorce or something.

19 Dec

D’awww humbug!

I’m not a fan of Christmas. Christmases are my Mondays.

Things were not always thus. As a child, I’d spend wakeful nights and gun-jumped mornings wondering what lay beneath all those garish reams of wrapping paper and spangly bows. Even after I learned to sleep in, I loved the family gatherings. I loved shopping for people (still my favorite part of the holiday by far). I loved singing Christmas carols, even though I didn’t really buy into all the Jesus stuff. I even liked the candlelight services on Christmas Eve.

I think the turning point was when my Grandma died on Christmas morning a few years ago. I didn’t consciously change my mind, but Christmas lost a great deal of luster after that. Like with a restaurant where you’ve gotten food poisoning, the menu never looks the same again.

I play along, and I enjoy that other people enjoy The Winter Holidays, but I no longer feel the magic. While I consider it an insult to everyone involved to fake an orgasm, I’m not above faking a holiday here and there.

On a seemingly unrelated subject (but I bet I tie it all together by the end, don’t you?), I started following The Bloggess when Lilly generously compared me to her on this review I wrote, and I’ve since learned what a compliment that was.

(Of course she wasn’t on my radar until someone made it about me, why do you ask?)

She is funny, witty, snarky, interesting, and very successful as a blogger, so please compare me to her whenever you get a chance, even if it makes no sense. You can even say I have her eyes; I’ll take it. But recently her blog has transcended comedy, incisive commentary, and slices of her clearly awesome life. Now all of a sudden it’s making me think that maybe these Holidays we insist on having every winter really are a little magical.

And this time, it’s not grandma-killing magic.

Earlier this month, The Bloggess offered twenty $30 gift cards to commenters in need (itself an incredible gesture) in the spirit of holiday warm fuzzies, and when she got more than twenty people asking for help, her readers stepped in and started offering. And offering. And offering: gift cards, paypal donations, toys for kids who otherwise wouldn’t have any presents to open this year.

How big did the orgy of giving get? According to this tweet, over 600 gift cards have been sent as of sometime today. Everyone who asked for help has been matched with a donor. The Bloggess wasn’t trying to organize this; she and her readers are just that awesome. She started out just trying to help twenty strangers, and that one act of giving exploded into a great big gang bang of human kindness.

This doesn’t mean I love Christmas or anything, but Holy Baby Mithras do I love people.

(image source)

18 Dec

Hey, how about just “Don’t Ask”…

…because it doesn’t fucking matter?

Today, the Senate voted to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. As I understand it, this repeal needs to get certified by the President, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and Secretary of Defense to actually mean something, but things are looking good, if you don’t count the 17 years* of prejudice and systematic oppression.

I read this the other day, a letter from a gay soldier about to leave for Afghanistan. It’s very worth reading whether you’re for or against DADT. He is gracious, he is polite, he is angry, and he is absolutely right.

To members of the United States armed forces, of all sexual orientations, genders, races, religions, and political beliefs: Thank you, thank you, thank you for your service. To those of you who have suffered the most under Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (because I’d argue that it’s done damage beyond its intended victims): I’m sorry we made you choose between serving your country and living authentically, without fear of exposure. I’m in awe, grateful, that you chose the choice you did. I look forward to the day you can serve openly, if you decide to do so.

Today was a good start.

*Meaning the 17 years when DADT was law, not the 17 years since people started being assholes to gay people, because that’s been going on for approximately 17 bajillion years.

24 Nov

Shopping for a cause…

…a horny, silly, absurd, sex-blogging causeOKAY IT’S ME. GOD.

With the winter holidays coming up and all the gift-buying shenanigans that ensue, I’d like to take a moment of your time to talk about meeeeee! Yeah, sorry.

As you may know, I’m chronically ill and disabled to the point where it’s tough to function normally day-to-day, which pretty much Hulksmashes my earning potential down to negligible. At the same time, my medical bills are pretty significant. Significantly terrifying.

I’ve never felt right about putting a tip jar or wishlist on my site. They’re a great idea for a lot of bloggers, but I just don’t think they’re for me right now.

But I have signed up for a few affiliate accounts with online retailers because I feel like they’re win-win, and possibly other wins as well. If you’re going to buy something you want anyway (win), and simply use a link from here, you’ll be extending support to me and my site (win) without spending any extra money (win) or changing your shopping experience in any way (win)! Win.

To the people who’ve used my affiliate links to make purchases in the past, thank you so much! You are awesome for thinking of me and taking that extra time.

So, if you intend to do some shopping at any of the following websites this season (or any season), please consider clicking through to those sites from here (they’re also on my sidebar under “shopping links”, if you ever want quick access in future). Doesn’t even have to be sex toys, since is on the list, and as you know, that behemoth has everything.

The links, in no particular order:

If you like what you read here and want to help me out, I’d really appreciate your clicky support, now or any time of year! Thanks!

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19 Oct

ConTuesday! History

The only people not haunted by ghosts of bonings past are virgins. And I’m not even sure about them. I have my share; some of them actually just think they’re being friendly. Silly ghosts. Here are other peoples’. No one knows whose…

I had to tell my veryvery recent ex that I was diagnosed with HPV today. He reacted pretty badly, coming down with slut-shaming, insisting he could not have been the source, and showing he was incredibly ill-informed about STIs, and generally being the reason people fear disclosing disease statuses. Before the conversation, I’d been depressed about the breakup, wishing he’d fall for me again, but his reaction cured me of that. I feel much better. Now if only I could get rid of this infection, too…

Isn’t it great when an ex just keeps validating and validating your breakup? It really helps with the closure. More on HPV in a minute…

I just found out I have HPV and it feels like my days of being a slut are over. I’m hoping you/QP readers can reassure me that there is still casual sex after stigma-heavy STI diagnoses…

I don’t think I’m alone in thinking of HPV as a sort of common cold of STIs. Tons of people have it without even knowing about it, and most of the time it clears up on its own (although it can take a while). I know a lot of people who’ve been diagnosed with HPV and work around it very easily using good communication and safer sex. They have plenty of willing partners and have a ton of fun. Just make sure you have regular pelvic exams, especially if it’s one of the strains known to cause cervical cancer.

If I were newly diagnosed with HPV I’d figure, “hey, it’s a virus that my body can kill…” and try to boost my immune system. If you want to try that, there are tons of suggestions online. More basically, pretend you just learned you have Mononucleosis or a cold that’s hard to shake. Cut out booze, cigarettes, junk food for a while (assuming you partake in any of these). Exercise, eat fruits and veggies, and try to minimize stress. Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Astragalus, fish oil, or other supplements might help. And drink lots of clear fluids, just like the doctors say.

All I want is a romantic partner who will not see my sexual history and lifestyle as a neutral at best or downside at worst. I want someone who will hear what a slut I am and find me desirable, and not in the ‘she’s easy’ way. I want a fellow slut to ask me about my adventures and share her/his/hir own, a slut who gets that ‘casual’ sex can be like traveling abroad – a way to grow, a source of a million experiences, feelings, theories, a valuable part of an identity and life story. It seems like too much to ask.

I don’t think it’s too much to ask. I just think it takes some searching. Good luck!

My boyfriend is wonderful, but I still miss pussy. Monogamy is hard.

Yes. Yes it is.

Do you have a secret, a regret, a rant, a fantasy, or a triumphant squee and no one to share it with? Right here.

27 Sep

From within

“Having it grow inside you… feeling it move in there, and then having to push it out through a hole that’s–let’s face it–much too small: it’s so… alien. Like an alien parasite”

I hear this a lot in terms of the miracles of pregnancy and giving birth. While I can certainly concede that this a valid feeling about the whole process, it’s not a feeling I share. Conception, pregnancy, birth all seem normal and natural and mundane to me. Female bodies are adapted to do this, although historically we don’t have an incredible amount of luck coming out of it alive. But it’s just that an egg (that’s supposed to be there in the first place) gets fertilized (in a very reasonable and expected way), and then a bunch of things happen to allow it to grow. It’s perfectly healthy, perfectly unsurprising. It honestly doesn’t squick me out at all.

But I still have absolutely no interest in doing it.

My problem has never been the process. I’ve often thought that in an extreme case I wouldn’t entirely mind being a surrogate (like if there was a disgustingly wealthy and completely desperate party that couldn’t adopt and would surely be a parenting tour de force and other highly realistic cases involving actual alien races that were dying out and wanted to give me a magical space unicorn).  It might be an interesting experience to have, though certainly not for its own sake.

The big problem is that I don’t want kids. At all. Never have. And I especially don’t want babies. This might make some dismiss me as selfish, but I don’t care. I also don’t agree because I don’t see having children as a selfless act. Of course, you have to adopt some selfless behaviors to be a good parent, but if you want to have a baby, is having it really selfless? And if you seriously don’t want one, would having one be selfless, or wouldn’t it just as likely be cruel and pointless for everyone involved? Even accidental parents have to get to a point where they want the children they have, or they end up shitty parents, unless I’m missing something.

I’ve often been told that I’ll change my mind, or that if I had a baby I’d bond to it and become a grateful and loving mother. That (edit: the latter) is highly possible, but there’s nothing in me that feels any urge to test it out. I have no biological clock; I have no reproductive motivation. I want to fuck all day and come out of it completely physically unaltered but for some sexily mussed hair.

But if you like babies, and you want babies, that’s cool. I might be a little bummed if we’re friends and your life suddenly revolves around something I can’t relate to at all, but that’s life. I’ll get over it. It isn’t personal. I’m not trying to convert anyone to my barren lifestyle. Although I understand where the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement is coming from (“May we life long and die out” kind of thing), I don’t subscribe to their newsletter. I’m not that ready to give up on the human race just yet. Give me a few years and I’ll let you know.

The only thing that I’m saying here is that I don’t really want kids and it’s hard for me to relate to that impulse. A friend of mine who recently had a baby was visiting the other day. Cute kid. Seems to inspire complete devotion in her mother, which I think is a good adaptation. The new mom was describing to me their process of feeding the baby every four hours, putting the baby down to sleep if it’s been awake for 90 minutes, no matter what. She explained that the baby can’t be in the same room as a powered-on television because it would stunt her brain development. She explained how big a production it was to go anywhere.

“Wow. Yeah, I… that sounds exhausting,” I said (although I will note here that getting the mail also sounds exhausting to me most days).

“Sure, but you go through all this stuff and run around like a chicken with its head cut off and then when you feel like you need to collapse she smiles at you, and it’s all worth it.”

“Hmmm,” thought I. Thought but never said, “She just smiled at me for free.”

This attitude isn’t just why I’m not going to have children, it’s also reason #478 why I shouldn’t have children.

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06 Sep

LELO Siri and my clitoris: A love story

In the years to come, this summer will be known as “The Summer When Quizzical Pussy Did Not Feel Very Well At All, No Indeed.” Through judicious resting, a little feckless judgment, a will of pure petrified gristle, and massive recovery times I’ve been able to get out and do a few very fun things, but for the most part I’ve been in bed. And by “for the most part” I literally mean that if I were to calculate my time spent in bed since June, it would definitely be above 50%, and very possibly into the 70s. This, you may think, supplies a great deal of motive and opportunity to masturbate.

But I find that when my body has so little interest in cooperating with my wish to be a productive member of society, I tend to not want to do nice things for it. My masturbation habits got patchier and more grudging as the summer progressed. Yes, it’s unreasonable to punish my body for having a chronic illness by refusing to give myself orgasms, and I do not under any circumstances advocate trying to control someone with sex or withholding of same, but what can I say? Maybe with all the resentment and everything I’m just not emotionally attracted to me lately.

You can imagine how things have been: the fights, and stony silences, the outlandish threats. This domestic strife is the background to a series of extraordinary events (i.e. orgasms) that led to my clitoris dumping me for the LELO Siri, and I can’t say I half blame it.

NOT actual size.

I’d been wanting to try a LELO toy for some time. They have a reputation for being elegant, clever, and oh-so luxurious. Actually, though, I kind of also think of LELO as the IKEA of the sex toy world: the caps lock, the funny sparse-but-exotic product names (pop quiz: tell me which of these are sex toys and which are furniture: Odda, Noga, Ina, Nea, Agne, Mona, Malma) the simple lines and bright colors. I’ve always been of the opinion that IKEA could be greatly improved by the introduction of clitoral stimulation, so when I saw that Babeland had LELO’s newest creation, the Siri, up for grabs I knew I would at least temporarily lift my masturbation embargo. I’m mad, but I’m not stupid.

Happy the day that Siri graced my front door, dressed in an unassuming brown box and the glamor of youth! If I ever try to convince you that I didn’t rip it open immediately, I’ll be lying to you. Do not trust me.

The LELO Siri comes in a fucking classy series of minimalist boxes, the first of which claims to hold a “Siri pleasure object”. I applaud their decision against going that extra step into pretentiousness by calling it an “objet”. As it is, I’m pleased. And aroused, because I’m a fan of pleasure. It comes with a little satiny drawstring bag, meant, no doubt, to prevent the Siri from ever being stored in a ziplock sandwich bag. Someone must’ve told LELO about my current toys’ accommodations, and they are clearly not impressed.

The Siri itself is cute, shaped like an aerodynamic computer mouse, but smaller. It’s a clit vibe/massager, so in other words you don’t insert it, which happens to fit very well with my usual masturbation style. Roughly one (the white plastic) half is devoted to business and buttons and charging and such. The other half is covered in LELO’s vibrant matte silicone (purple, in mine), and this is the half devoted to business and skin and vibrations and climaxing. As I plugged in my adorable new pleasure object, whose charger took my cell phone charger’s place on the power strip, being of similar size and shape, I mused to myself how advanced-looking the Siri was next to my cellphone, and not just because I drop my phone all the time. I was also immediately grateful that the former had no camera function (although I should probably invent something like that because I’m sure there’s a market). It only took a couple hours to charge, and conveniently tells you when it’s ready by producing a continuous blue LED glow from the button vicinity; it blinks while it’s still charging, and reportedly glows red when it needs juice (although I haven’t experienced that yet, because this thing is a laster). Helpful!

“Realize I’m not doing this for you,” I informed my body as I held the fully-charged Siri over my nethers. “I haven’t even begun to forgive you,” but we agreed to put our differences aside for the moment. This thing was bigger than our ongoing issues.

I turned it on. This was going well. I turned it up a bit. Oh, this was going very well. I kept turning it up, and it kept going up, past the point where I felt sure it would stop. This pleasure object is small, but it’s fierce!

The Siri has four buttons, and even from the dizzying heights of orgasm it isn’t confusing to work them. The plus and minus sign buttons turn it on and off, and coax the intensity up and down. The arrow buttons step through six vibration patterns. I’m not usually a huge pattern person, but some of these were, in a word, compelling. Especially the last one, which when you put it up against your temporomandibular joint sounds like an NES theme song.

I find it easy to grasp and hold onto and adjust in my hand for more focused or more diffused vibrations. This is not a hard toy to work one-handed, which makes it nice if you want to add an insertable to the party.

My clitoris, especially, seemed overjoyed with the experiment. After too many orgasms to count, did my clitoris thank me? Did it thank our friends at Babeland? No. It was all about the Siri. In the days that followed, my clitoris kept pestering me: “When are we going to use the Siri again? Do you think the Siri liked me? Why are we playing a video game when the Siri’s sitting right there? Why are we driving to the doctor’s office when we could be playing with the Siri? We never do what I want to do,” and frequently, “SIRI!” out of nowhere, at any time of the day or night. Bitch woke me up twice.

After a difficult week of zero masturbation mostly unrelated to my tiny, high-maintenance passenger, I brought out the Siri again. I was surprised to find that a) it had held its charge beautifully, and b) there was a note, signed by my clitoris, in that little satiny drawstring bag. The text is as follows:

I burn, I pine, I perish.

No one ever accused my clitoris of being original. Did I ignore the note and go on to use the Siri and have some really stellar orgasms? You know I did.

It wasn’t long before my clitoris notified me that because of my neglect and general unpleasantness in comparison to some, we would remain connected only because of physiological necessity. From this point on, we were not “together”, because it now belonged entirely to my Siri. It also informed me that I look stupid in boyshorts.

Overall, I love the Siri. It’s exactly what I hoped it would be: an easy-to-use, stylish, surprisingly mighty clit vibe. Also, it’s cute as a button and cuter than most actual buttons. The only minor complaints I have against it are:

  1. It doesn’t cycle through its vibration patterns. That is, you can go up through patterns 1 to 6, and you can go back down again. You can’t easily get from 6 back around to 1. I personally would find it very useful if I could, since pattern 6 is a great buildup and pattern 1 is the steady vibration, which is what really gets me off the most. As it is, the quickest transition seems to be turning the thing off and on.
  2. This thing is not waterproof. You’re supposed to keep water away from the charging port and buttons. It’s really not that difficult to clean if you take a bit of care, but if you’re a squirter there could be complications, depending on how you’re positioning your Siri and the trajectory of your orgasm.
  3. It stole my motherfucking clitoris. Homewrecker.

A thousand thanks to Babeland!

27 Jul

ConTuesday: Nah nah nah nah nah

I have to confess I haven’t been doing very well lately. My health has taken a turn for the worse, much to the chagrin of my sex life (and life in general). It’s getting to where I’m just too exhausted to see my boyfriend regularly, let alone pursue madcap sexual adventures. I’m hoping this is very temporary, but in the meantime I thought I’d infuse a little positivity by posting some of the most joyous– perhaps verging on gloating– anonymous confessions to ever appear in my inbox. Read and enjoy, because these people certainly are! I’m into it.

My long distance girlfriend came to visit last week. A good time was had by all, including some fun with chocolate sauce and a basting brush. By the end of the week she was around, she was referring to me as “The Energizer Bunny” and “A God in Bed”. Even managed to make her legs give out at one point. I just had to brag a bit.

(Re: June 29th confessions) Being bi is totally awesome for avoiding jealousy. My partner and I check out women or men together and we share porn all the time. (Gloat brag gloat)

I got the hood of my clit pierced a few years ago because guys had too hard of a time finding it – my clit’s too small. That’s not a problem anymore!

Last week I bound my breasts for the first time. I love being female and I love my boobs, but I wanted to know what it would feel like to have a flat(ter) chest. And it was awesome! I was bound all afternoon at work, put my (Share XL) cock on before I went to see my partner, and greeted him with a big, packaged hug.

Sometimes I get the feeling I’m easy to fall in love with. This isn’t the type of thing you can just tell people.

Got something to brag about? Or bitch about? Or just confess anonymously? Bring it all here.

25 Jun

Le Mépris

Countless times I’ve heard and read about how a woman is inescapably and biologically submissive: the penetrated, the supine, the taken. The image of being overcome and driven into is the source of apocryphal radical feminist notions that all penetration is at best a violent act, at worst automatic rape.

But to me, having something plunge inside an orifice that’s all-too-happy to accommodate it doesn’t feel all that passive. Nor does gripping that something in the crush of my mighty orgasm. Of course I’ve felt myself in the submissive position in sex before– in ways both lovely and horrible, but being penetrated wasn’t the factor that made it so.

One of the most alarming and saddening articles I’ve ever read on the subject of sex was Virginia Vitzthum’s 1999 Strap-on Epiphany. In it, Virginia recounts her experience of pegging (before it was called that) her boyfriend, Adam.

The article starts innocently enough. Sure, it flirts with the idea that a woman allowing someone to enter her body is empowering in its vulnerability or something, but it really doesn’t disturb me until she actually starts fucking Adam. Once she penetrates him, shit gets weird. (I refuse to resist pointing out that the link to the second page of this article says “Defiling Adam”. This is indicative of exactly the attitude you’re about to see.) Observe:

As “my” huge appendage disappeared inside him, his eyes showed shame, trust, fear and a sort of helpless adoration. In a way I’d never understood those words before, he was mine. The knowledge I could really hurt this person by being less than careful made me feel responsible, protective. The vulnerability appalled me at the same time; it was vaguely disgusting that he would let someone do this to him. Mixed in with the disgust was possessiveness. The thought of anyone else penetrating him seemed revolting. These observations clicked into place in quick succession; I felt like a projector being loaded with slides of maleness, of male seeing.

…I was conquering, silent, responsible, the taker. With his legs spread, Adam was agreeable, inviting, ashamed, taken.

When I first read this I was shaken. I’d never used a strap-on, and I wasn’t a man, so I felt completely unequipped to answer the question of IS THIS TRUE? Does penetrating someone really give you contempt for them? Is the act of being penetrated disgusting and weak somehow? This Virginia bitch had really upset me by suggesting that the sexual interactions I was having may be entirely different (in troubling, corrupt ways) to the people I was sharing them with.

I asked a few male friends, my boyfriend at the time. Some said, “Yeah, that sounds about right,” and some said “She’s overthinking it.”

In truth, I think that some people might equate penetrating with power, but it’s not an inevitable conclusion. Virginia’s views here weren’t objective, and they tell us more about her than they necessarily do about “men”. They tell us nothing about the native symbolism of a sex act.

Are you submissive to the food you eat? Is a canteen at the mercy of the water inside it? Eclipsing, holding, consuming, overlapping, absorbing aren’t words of weakness to me. We choose to think of the partner who welcomes the other into his/her body in such passive terms, but that’s choice, that’s perspective. It’s not innate to the nature of sex; it’s a commentary on our social paradigm.

I’ve had moments when I had a cock inside me and I was conquering, silent, responsible, the taker. Well, not silent, but close enough. And I refuse to be surrendering, tractable, helpless, and (wtf?) ashamed just because it feels good to fill my holes anymore than I would presume to project those words onto a guy I was pegging. It’s fucking piffle, is what it is.

…So 1999, anything else you want to tell me about sex? I’m all ears.

(image source)

21 Jun

Everybody got a gris-gris

I, skeptic, have what can only be described as a “lucky shirt”.

One night I walked into my favorite karaoke dive wearing this shirt and two guys immediately approached me and sat down at my table. Every time one got up to put in a song or take a piss the other would jump in and try to make increasingly awkward conversation. Later they retired to a corner and seemed to be discussing something with drunken intensity. “They’re fighting over which one gets to ask you out,” my friend Miriam, who is wise in the ways of men, whispered.

In the midst of all this, a guy leaned his chair back and asked me if I was single, which I was at the time. “My friend is in love with you,” he informed me, pointing to an entirely other (intimidatingly good-looking) guy besides the first two, and asked if I could introduce myself because his friend was shy. (Which, if you read my blog, you know I’m too chickenshit to ever do.) Then, as I was leaving the bar for the night, still another guy asked for my number.

This sort of thing never happens to me. I was completely nonplussed. This was almost two years ago, and I still wonder if the bar had coordinated a “Let’s Fuck With Quizzical Pussy!” night.

About a year later, I was on a road trip. I met up with a bunch of friends in a little college town across the state, and we decided to go to the local gay bar (like you do). It was Drag Queen Bingo night, which is another way of saying the place was packed. I happened to be wearing the shirt. A cute lesbian couple sat alone at a table with an empty chair, and I asked to join them. We talked a little, marked some bingo squares, they asked if they could buy me a drink, and I told them thanks, but I don’t really drink. They bought all my friends a few rounds instead, still seeming genuinely distraught that they couldn’t get me anything.

After bingo, we all danced for a while, and at least three people came up and told me I was cool for absolutely no reason. This particular college town is either some sort of uncanny hellpit of friendliness, or all this had something to do with the shirt. Yes, those are the only two options.

Okay, so those are just two examples, but it truly seems like when I wear the shirt I have more social success than usual. People find me just a little hotter, more approachable, intriguing, something. Maybe. I don’t really know.

But here’s the thing you have to realize about this shirt: it is completely and utterly unsexy. It offers no cleavage, hugs no curves, and accentuates no waist. In fact, it’s a little boy’s polo, size large, bought at an unfashionable big box store. It has horizontal stripes (which I can say about roughly half my shirts, because I like them). Actually I have this striped boy’s polo shirt in several colors, but the blue-on-blue version is the only one that has ever given the faintest hint of being special. The green/green, the yellow/gray, the white/blue: they hold no mystery.

Last Friday, I saw an actual little boy wearing the same shirt, same version, and I wonder if it renders him magically chaseable to all those little playground vixens.

Now, I know it’s not truly a lucky shirt. It’s likely all down to coincidence or the Dumbo’s feather effect or some such phenomenon. It’s silly to think otherwise. But still, it has gradually become the shirt I tend wear when I’m planning a day that might well turn nerve-wracking or awkward. Some superstitious, primitive part of me believes it might give me an edge.

So, although it’s not one of the sexier pieces in my wardrobe, it’s what I put on when I was dressing to go to my first foursome last week.

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