Home > Sex Toys! > Cat O’ 5 Tails
02 Apr

Cat O’ 5 Tails

Wow, so yeah, this is a thing: A Cat-5 Cable Flogger. Fuck yes. Now, I’ve never flogged nor been flogged by anyone, ever (and this flogger looks particularly ouchy for a first flight), but I want one anyway. Because, you see, it is a cat-5 flogger. That’s just too adorkable.

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  1. April 2nd, at 14:20 | #1

    *makes grabby hands* Waaaaaant…

  2. April 2nd, at 20:15 | #2

    I was literally just going to post WAAAAANT in the comments.

    Keep your brainwaves to yourself, sir or madam. :)

  3. April 2nd, at 20:16 | #3

    Or both, or neither, I suppose. :)

  4. Tarb
    April 2nd, at 23:34 | #4

    I’m not particularly interested in being on either end of that thing, but the pun is just too brilliant to ignore!

  5. April 3rd, at 00:27 | #5

    How wonderfully nerdy! Love it. Not that I want to play with it. Just because it is strangely great.

  6. April 3rd, at 14:46 | #6

    @ozymandias All great minds think alike :) And it’s madam, btw.

  7. April 5th, at 11:10 | #7

    Kind of frightening actually. But it is wonderfully dorkoriffic!

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